Page 41 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 41 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 41


              Simon. A chance meeting between       *AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS:
              Simon and Mark at the Holme Bird
              Observatory in Norfolk led to regular   RVC Jim Bee Educator prize on four occasions
              teaser emails entitled appWhere am I?app,   (1998, 2004 (team teaching prize), 2009 and 2014)
              followed by a short list of bird species   Nominated for the Royal Society Higher Education
              (and the occasional butterfly) seen on   Bioscience Teacher of the Year Award (2019)
              a recent trip. These birds were carefully
              selected, in a manner similar to a good   Invited to teach at:
              multiple-choice question, with some
              distractors and at least once appclincherapp   University of Cambridge
              species for fellow ornithologists. One   University of Liverpool,
              memorable example was the inclusion of
              a cirl bunting, an extremely widespread   Commonwealth Institute for Parasitology
              species in Southern Europe but in the   (St. Albans, 1982-96)
              UK restricted to a few small colonies   St. Georgeapps University
              in Southwest England, which enabled   (Grenada, DVM Program, 2000-04)
              Markapps location to be triangulated to   Massey University (New Zealand, 2000) University of
              RSPB Labrador Bay near Torquay.
                                                    Copenhagen (Graduate Course in Advanced Veterinary
              Mark has the human touch of not taking   Parasitology, 2009)
              himself too seriously app regular readers
              of Eclipse may recall the article in 2017
              that celebrated Markapps four decades of
              service and mentioned his memorable    JAMES BEE
              appearance in a Final Year Revue,
              dancing on stage to a reworking of the   AWARDS 2024
              then popular song appWhat Does the Fox
              Sayapp with new lyrics that gave the song
              an unusually parasitological slant.    The James Bee Student Choice Awards offer a valuable opportunity
              In recognising Markapps many and         for students to make their voices heard and celebrate outstanding
              various contributions to the RVC,      contributions within the RVC community. These awards acknowledge
              it is fitting that Professor Reid has
              granted Mark Emeritus Professor        the RVC staff who go above and beyond in delivering an exceptional
              status following his retirement, so    student learning experience, whether through teaching or by providing
              that we can continue to benefit from    vital support services.
              Markapps experience and expertise.
                                                     Winners for outstanding individual contribution
              We wish Mark well in his               to student education, 2024:
              retirement and welcome him
              to our alumni community.
                                                                   SUPERVISION                      TUTOR
                                                                      Siobhan                      Raymond
                                                                    Abeyesinghe                    Macharia

                                                                     CREATIVE                     SUPPORT
                                                                   CURRICULUM                       STAFF
                                                                    Lisa Thurston
                                                                                                 Emily Bowcock

                                                                    GOING THE                    OUTSTANDING
                                                                   EXTRA MILE                      TEACHER
                                                                   Christina Maden                  Evie Yon

                                                        CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

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