Page 37 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 37 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 37


 MOVERS AND SHAKERS                               The BVA Young Vet

                30 under                          of the Year Award


                                                  Dr Henry Lamb                      His role involves providing specialised
                Congratulations to our RVC                                           consultancy and Official Veterinarian
                graduates who have been           MRCVS (BVetMed 2018)               (OV) services to the poultry/gamebird
                selected to be a part of The                                         sector across Great Britain and
                London Vet Showapps app30 Under       was awarded the prestigious        internationally. Amidst recent bird flu
                Thirtyapp Class of 2024.            Young Vet of the Year Award 2023   outbreaks and the associated changes
                                                  in recognition of his dedication   due to Brexit, he has led multiple
                Your dedication and innovation to   and hard work in the poultry     OV panels and navigated through
                the veterinary field is an inspiration!
                                                  sector at a particularly testing   export-related preparations.
                    Georgina Barry                time. His encouragement and        Beyond his professional commitments,
                    BVetMed 2018                  support to other young vets and    Henry serves as a mental health first

                    Jack Conway                   students to consider roles in the   aider and trustee for the regional rural
                    BVetMed 2024                  poultry sector was remarked        mental health charity You Are Not
                                                                                     Alone (YANA).
                    Jemima de Courcy-Ireland      on as being inspirational.
                    BVetMed 2021                                                     Additionally, he holds positions as the
                                                  Henry, from Norfolk, earned        deputy rotation lead for the new RVC
                    Lauren Prisk                  recognition not only for his efforts   poultry rotation, co-lead of his practiceapps
                    BVetMed 2023                  combatting bird flu (avian influenza)   green group, and is an external lecturer
                    Olivia Stofberg               but also for his proactive role in   for the RVC, offering valuable insights
                    FdSc Vet Nursing 2023         inspiring young veterinarians to   into avian population medicine to
                                                  join the poultry industry.         aspiring veterinarians.
                    Jesle Varu
                    BSc Vet Nursing 2018          After graduating he began working at   Congratulations Henry from
                                                  Crowshall Veterinary Services in Norfolk.   all of us at the RVC!
                    Lucy Wildblood
                    BVetMed 2023
                    Chantelle Woodward-Iles
                    BVetMed 2023
                    Georgina Bryson
                    BSc 2022

                    Penelope Crocker
                    BVetMed 2020
                    Alexander Crow
                    BVetMed 2019
                    BVetMed 2024

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