Page 36 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 36
Professor Stuart Reid CBE RCVS
receives The Queenapps Medal announces
for Veterinary Excellence new fellows
for 2024
We congratulate our RVC
alumni who will be formally
admitted to the RCVS body on
Fellowship Day in November:
app Steven McCulloch
app Patricia Mundy
app Martin Christopher
app Melanie Jane Hezzell
app Rosanne Ellen Jepson
rofessor Reid has been and his commitment to addressing
honoured with The Queenapps mental health issues within the app Sarah Louise Mason
Medal by the RCVS for his profession. He emphasized Reidapps
Poutstanding contributions influence on educational outcomes app Matthew William
to the veterinary profession. The for countless veterinary professionals McMillan
award was presented during the RCVS and his significant contributions to the
Annual General Meeting and Awards Day intersection of animal and human health. app Lee Bryan Meakin
held on July 5th, at the Royal Institute of Reflecting on his award, Professor Reid
British Architects in London.
expressed his surprise and gratitude: app Paolo Monticelli
The selection process for the RCVS appI am honoured to receive the
Honours and Awards involves a Queenapps Medal. This recognition app Matteo Rossanese
Nominations Committee made up is a testament to the incredible
of the RCVS Officer Team, including roles I have held and the inspiring app Ami Veronica
the President, Vice-Presidents, individuals I have had the privilege Sawran
Treasurer, and Chair of the VN Council. to work with. There is no greater
All nominations are subsequently compliment than recognition app Mayank Seth
ratified by the RCVS Council. by oneapps
app Paul Wood
Professor Reidapps nomination for the As Professor Reid embarks on this
Queenapps Medal came from Robin new chapter, his award not only app Justine Claire Ruth
Hargreaves, a former President of highlights his personal achievements
the British Veterinary Association. but also underscores his dedication Shotton
Hargreaves praised Professor Reidapps to advancing the veterinary profession
profound impact on veterinary education on a global scale. app James William Swann