Page 13 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 13 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 13


          CertAVN graduation group

        to organisations providing treatment for   our Anaesthesia and Analgesia and   patient and staff behaviour in action.
        animals with cancer. The future holds   Emergency and Critical Care pathways.  There were lots of standout and innovative
        great promise for VNs with a keen   The RVC·¬ÇÑapp™s CertAVN teaching team     projects, which will improve the welfare of
        interest in oncology, and under Nicola·¬ÇÑapp™s   has been recognised with an RCVS   patients under our care.
        guidance, their path ahead is sure to be   QI Knowledge Champion Award   Our congratulations go to all the students
        filled with exciting prospects.
                                            for integrating quality improvement   for their hard work, as well as to everyone
                                            initiatives into the CertAVN learning   who supported them along the way.
                                            and assessment activities. This award   As part of our commitment to contribute
                                            acknowledges the course team·¬ÇÑapp™s      to VN knowledge and evidence base,
                                            dedication to developing our students·¬ÇÑapp™   watch this space for conference
                                            competence and confidence in quality   presentations and publications of our
                                            assurance activities, including teaching   students·¬ÇÑapp™ research in the coming months.
                                            them to write up Knowledge Summaries
                                            and conduct and document their clinical
                                            audits. Moreover, Sam McGaw, who
                                            graduated with her CertAVN this year,
                                            received the runner-up RCVS Knowledge
                                            Award for the clinical audit she conducted
                                            during her CertAVN studies.
                                                                                Textbooks, articles and
                                                                                public speaking
          Nicola Read (right) and Sarah Holiday,
          Oncology Nurse Specialist, Aura                                       Our Veterinary Nurses have been
          Veterinary (left)                                                     extremely busy this year, writing
                                                                                and disseminating VN knowledge
        Post-registration CertAVN                                               and evidence.
        courses go from strength                                                School of Veterinary Nursing team
        to strength                                                             members; Hilary Orpet, Evie Yon,
        This summer, we celebrated the                                          Perdi Welsh, Sarah Batt-Williams,
        graduation of our first cohort of RVNs                                  Lyndsay Wade, and Hamish Morrin,
        who undertook our Graduate and                                          authored chapters in the newly
        Postgraduate Certificates in Advanced                                   published textbook Professionalism
        Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN). Amongst                                   and Reflection in Veterinary Nursing
        them, RVC Clinical Educator and                                         by Wiley Blackwell in 2022.
        Neurology RVN, Ilaria Vercesi, won first                                The Veterinary Nurse·¬ÇÑapp™s Practical Guide
        prize for achieving the highest marks.   Undergraduate VN
                                            students shine                      to Small Animal Anaesthesia, also
        In response to the tremendous success   In the summer, we were thrilled by the   published by Wiley Blackwell this year,
        and high demand of the first two years of   impressive research output and poster   was edited and authored by Niamh
        running this course, we have doubled our   presentations from our fourth year VN   Clancy, QMHA Anaesthesia RVN and
        intake numbers.                                                         Teaching Fellow. In addition, anaesthesia
                                            students. Their projects covered a diverse
        In May, we were delighted to welcome   range of research studies, with students   RVN colleagues Ana Costa, Ioan Holban,
        our first cohort of CertAVN students   working in laboratories, undertaking   Lisa Angell, and Carol Hoy also authored
        undertaking the new Medical Nursing   retrospective analysis of clinical data,   chapters in the book, and Carol Hoy
        pathway, which we now offer alongside   surveying the profession and observing   provided all the illustrations.

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