Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 11

                                                                                              GENER  A L  NE W S

        RVC renews Athena Swan

        Bronze award

                   e have successfully renewed   Swan action plan, a detailed survey of   achievement and bringing our renewed
                   its Athena Swan Bronze   opinion across the organisation, a review   action plan to
                   award, given by Advance   of policies affecting career development,
        WHE in recognition of its           analysis of data and the development of   Stuart Reid said: appRetaining our Athena
                                                                                SWAN bronze status is an immensely
        commitment to promoting gender equality.   a renewed action plan.       important achievement for the RVC.
        The award is a framework used globally   Vice Principal for Equality, Diversity   Promoting and enacting equality and
        to support and transform gender equality   and Inclusion, Dr Christine Thuranira-  diversity requires the whole organisation
        within higher education and research.
                                            McKeever, was delighted with the    to engage and commit to making a
        Led by co-chairs Professor Nicola   achievement of the Bronze renewal: appI   difference. I am enormously grateful to
        Menzies-Gow and Dr Sharon Kendall,   am very pleased that we have maintained   Professor Nicola Menzies-Gow and Dr
        the RVC Self-Assessment Team (SAT)   our Bronze award status. It is heartening   Sharon Kendall, and their team, who
        worked over a period of 15 months   to have our progress in advancing   have worked assiduously in preparing
        to consider and develop the RVCapps   gender equality acknowledged and our   our submission. In doing so, they have
        ongoing efforts in ensuring the continued   commitment to continuing our efforts   renewed our focus on sustaining change
        improvement of the recruitment,     in doing more to support progression   as we continue our journey towards being
        retention, and promotion of female   and every aspect of gender equality,   a place where all are welcome, valued and
        academic, research and professional   recognised. I thank the SAT for their   provided opportunity to
        services staff. This involved a reflection   wholehearted dedication to this work
        of progress made against the first Athena  and look forward to building on this

        LGBT+ History Month

        Revd. Andy Marshall, Chaplain and Interfaith Advisor

              GBT+ History Month, celebrated   publicising this yearapps gatherings. These   appWe are committed to being an inclusive
              in the UK in February, is an   photos are a very visible way of showing   community and we are proud to support
              opportunity to celebrate the   our support for and solidarity with   LGBT+ History Month and to join in
       Lachievements of the LGBT+           LGBT+ students and staff app and that the   celebrating the significant achievements
        Community, past and present, and to   RVC is committed to being a safe space   and contributions of the LGBT+
        commit to educating ourselves and   where they can flourish.            community. Inviting the whole RVC
        others about that history.                                              community to take part in events, such as
                                            As the Chaplain and Interfaith Advisor,
        To mark LGBT+ History Month,        it brings me great joy to organise these   the fabric photo, is an important part of
                                                                                raising awareness and encouraging all to
        colleagues created a Padlet (electronic   public displays and spread the message   take action to become active
        bulletin board) with information from   of welcome and inclusion to all. I asked
        historical facts on LGBT+ people to   a few staff and students to send in their   app Dr Christine Thuranira-McKeever
        real-life LGBT+ stories, educational   comments about what LGBT+ History
        publications, current local and wider   Month means to them, and what they
        events, exhibitions and performances and   think of our events.
        the LGBT+ Student Society arranged a   appAt the RVC, we celebrate and recognise
        trip to National Student Pride.
                                            the importance of the contributions of
        Over the last four years at the RVC,   LGBT+ people app past and present app to
        we have organised large community   our community. In continuing our efforts
        photoshoots as one of our events for   to make the RVC a safe space where
        LGBT+ history month. After doing virtual   everyone can grow and flourish, it has
        photos for the last two years, it was a   been a pleasure for us to support this
        pleasure to gather again in person for   monthapps events as visible allies of our
        this yearapps photos. It has also been a joy   LGBT+ staff and
        to work with staff from the Equality and   app Stuart Reid
        Diversity Committee on arranging and

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