Page 67 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
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grew exponentially ·¬ÇÑapp“ he would regularly
explain to his friends and colleagues, in
a calm and clear manner, some of the
issues involved with the feeding of pets,
which was instructional for many.
Graham went on to have a long and very
successful career with Colgate-Palmolive.
He was with the company for 19 years,
much of it spent in the USA. He was the
marketing manager for prescription diets
in the USA and, at different times, director
of marketing and director of sales for
the company·¬ÇÑapp™s operations in Europe, the
Middle East and Africa.
Keen to explore further professional
challenges, Graham joined the RVC
as Director of the Clinical Services
Division in 2008 to lead the further
development of our commercial clinical
activities. Having contributed to the
successful restructure, which saw the
integration of clinical activity within the
new expanded department of Clinical
Science and Services, he was appointed
Vice Principal (Clinical Service) in 2012,
and subsequently into an expanded role
as Vice Principal (Clinical Affairs) in June
2017. That was a position he retained
until his retirement in 2018.
Notably, prior to his retirement, Graham
was instrumental in the RVC acquiring
Graham grew up in Urmston, Greater a primary care practice in Bedfordshire
Manchester, and attended Manchester ·¬ÇÑapp“ Acorn House Veterinary Hospital. This
Grammar School before gaining a acquisition has enabled the RVC to
GRAHAM MILLIGAN scholarship to Emmanuel College, provide enhanced opportunities to better
educate the veterinarians and veterinary
Cambridge, to study veterinary medicine
MA, VetMB, MRCVS ·¬ÇÑapp“ our friend and in 1979, thereby fulfilling a lifetime nurses of the future.
inspiring colleague ambition. At Cambridge, he took great
interest in the subjects studied by his One could not fail to be impressed by
John Fishwick, David Church and Ally College peers and friends, as well as his his dedication to ensuring this massive
Saunders write: own discipline of veterinary science operation worked on a sound financial
Graham Milligan arrived at the RVC after and medicine. footing. Additionally, he ensured the
highest standards of clinical care were
a successful period in industry. From the maintained and that colleagues, whether
moment he arrived it was clear Graham He was one of a graduating cohort of they be specialist clinicians, or more
had huge enthusiasm for every project 48 students and maintained excellent junior or support staff, felt highly valued.
he undertook, although impressively this relations with his colleagues throughout He continually worked with colleagues
enthusiasm was always moderated by his career. A fine example of this was the to find solutions to problems, rather than
his need to understand and explore all very successful and memorable reunion simply imposing what he felt was right.
possible aspects and impacts of the of his classmates he organised at He was a clear strategic thinker who
initiative. You could always be sure that Emmanuel College in September 2019. always upheld the highest ethical and
whatever Graham said had been thought After graduation, Graham worked in a professional standards.
through meticulously and evaluated from all mixed practice in Essex for four years.
possible perspectives. Nobody was ever In addition to his primarily small animal Graham cared about his colleagues at all
in any doubt that he genuinely cared about caseload, he was also responsible for the levels in the organisation. He once said
any undertaking he was involved; both the care of the police horses in East London he was pleased that his office was next to
project itself and the impact it was likely during that time. the photocopier as it gave him an excuse
to have on all those involved. Whether to introduce himself to new people and
talking about the big picture and long-term In 1989 his career path changed to find out what they did. There are many
visions for the RVC, or tiny minutiae of any dramatically when he left practice and stories of how he would speak to staff,
situation ·¬ÇÑapp“ which he could jump between joined Hill·¬ÇÑapp™s Pet Nutrition as a veterinary whom he might not know, and show an
in a nanosecond ·¬ÇÑapp“ he had the same professional services representative. interest in what they did and how they
incredible enthusiasm and interest. During this time his enthusiasm for, and were getting on.
understanding of, small animal nutrition