Page 64 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 64 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 64


                                            effort, he worked as an assistant in mixed   absurd sense of humour and warmth will
                                            practice. Mah Soon eventually set up his   be greatly missed.
                                            own veterinary practice in Headington,
        MAH SOON HO (1968)                  Oxford in 1975 and ran it as a business   The family are happy to be working
        31-07-1938 ·¬ÇÑapp“ 02-06-2021             with his wife Yook Yen, a trained nurse   alongside the RVC on the widening
                                                                                participation scheme, to improve
                                            and midwife, until 2012. It was an open
                                            surgery system; notes were hand-    diversity for those who enter the
                                            written on record cards; treatments were   veterinary profession.
                                            practical; the queues stretched out the   Great thanks to those who made
                                            door. Being sole charge meant that he   generous donations in lieu of flowers
                                            was always on call. He would dash out   to this project. Many of these kind gifts
                                            to pick up injured deer from the nearby   came from Mah Soon·¬ÇÑapp™s family, particularly
                                            motorway in the middle of the night for   cousins who live in Singapore, as well as
                                            the police, or interrupt dinner to see   from colleagues and dear friends. More
                                            an emergency. Living next door to the   can be read about the fund below.
                                            practice meant that the business was
                                            part of his family life.

                                            Mah Soon was old-fashioned, super
                                            kind, hard-working and loved his role as
                                            a vet in east Oxford. He enjoyed chatting
                                            with people and exchanging stories and
                                            jokes. He had an impressive memory for
                                            individuals and their lives and was thrilled
                                            to see children who visited with their
        Mah Soon HO was born in 1938        parents become parents themselves.
        and grew up in Singapore. He worked in   His focus was on helping pets as
        a chicken factory after leaving school but   cherished members of a family unit,
        had a dream to travel the world. Luckily,   who in turn were part of a wider society.
        his uncle sponsored him to go to the   Prices stayed modest throughout his
        UK to study A-levels, encouraged him   career. When it came for time to retire,
        to apply to university, and supported his   he turned down the opportunity to sell
        studies at the RVC. He always spoke   his small business to a large veterinary
        fondly of student life in Camden, lodging   corporation, saying he didn't want to let   THE HO MAH SOON FUND
        in Cholmeley Park, driving a tiny car   his clients down. 
        which he called Little Daisy and going on                               Mah Soon's family raised over £5000
        camping trips and outdoor adventures                                    in his memory and asked the RVC
        with classmates.                                                        to use this to help improve diversity
                                                                                within the veterinary profession. The
                                                                                funds are being used to hold two
                                                                                information events at the Camden
                                                                                Campus for children from different ethnic
                                                                                backgrounds to encourage them to
                                                                                consider careers involving animals and
                                                                                to fund bursaries for BPOC students
                                            Mah Soon was always a keen swimmer   to enable them to participate in two-
                                            and body builder and maintained a fit and   week equine AHEMS placements
                                            healthy lifestyle until he broke his neck in   without worrying about the significant
                                            a tragic accident. He spent the last seven   accommodation and travel costs.
                                            years of his life in the Close Care Home,
                                            a residential nursing home in Oxfordshire,   If you would like to do something special
                                            and passed away after a very short illness   in memory of a loved one, or contribute
                                            on 2 June 2021 at the age of 82. He is   specifically to the Ho Mah Soon Fund,
                                            survived by his wife, Yook Yen; his children   or would like to support students or
        Mah Soon graduated in 1968 in the   Wuon-Gean, Cheyne-Gaw, Jaye and     prospective students in other ways,
        height of the foot and mouth disease   Feng; and his grandchildren Alby, Aoife-  please call us on 01707 666237 or
        crisis. After helping out with the national   Mae, Arlo and Saoirse-Lily. His kindness,   contact us at

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