Page 1 - Clinical Connections- Autumn 2021







Page 1 - Clinical Connections- Autumn 2021
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                                                                            RVC Clinical Services Newsletter  Autumn 2021


              VC Small Animal Referrals     carcinomas. In these situations, TACE can   of the blood supply to a liver tumour is
              is now offering transarterial   be considered.                    arterial through the hepatic artery, whereas
        R chemoembolisation (TACE) for        Chemoembolisation is the delivery   the predominant blood supply to normal
        dogs with non-resectable liver tumours. It   of an embolic agent combined with   liver parenchyma is venous through the
        is a procedure performed only in a small   chemotherapy to a selected blood vessel   portal vein.
        number of veterinary services in the world.   to cause slowing or cessation of blood   TACE is a well-established treatment in
          Surgical resection is considered the   flow to the tumour via vascular occlusion   human medicine, and randomised clinical
        gold standard treatment for liver tumours   and induce cancer cell death. TACE   trials have shown that it improves the
        in dogs. However, some tumours are   allows the administration of higher doses   survival and quality of life of patients with
        not amenable for surgical excision as   of chemotherapy directly to the tumour   liver tumours. Its use in veterinary patients
        they occur in challenging locations and   while decreasing the systemic side effects   is growing, but only few hospitals offer this
        complete excision is associated with   associated with the more traditional   treatment in the UK. It represents a novel,
        increased morbidity or may not be possible.   chemotherapy.             innovative treatment for dogs in cases
        Treatment options for these patients tend   The concept of embolisation has been   where surgery to remove a liver tumour
        to be very limited due to the inherent   most studied in the liver due to its unique   is not an option due to its challenging
        chemoresistance associated with most of   blood supply and the relationship of this   location, or simply when the owners
        these tumours ·¬ÇÑapp“ especially hepatocellular   blood supply to that of liver tumours ·¬ÇÑapp“ most   would not consider a surgical approach

        P. 4                       P. 6-7                    P.8                        P.10
        VISUALISATION              DISEASE IN HORSES         CERTIFICATES               MEDICINE
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