Page 9 - Clinical Connections- Autumn 2021
P. 9
Dental Disease
Dan OappNeill, Senior Lecturer in Companion Animal Epidemiology
eriodontal disease describes the What did VetCompass discover?
most common form of dental Firstly, how common is periodontal disease
P disease in dogs, spanning a in dogs? From a random sample of 22,333
spectrum from inflamed gums to deeper dogs attending 784 UK veterinary clinics, Dental Disease in dogs
Dental disease describes the presence of a range of possible
infections that can ultimately lead to tooth the VetCompass study identified that oral health issues in dogs including sore gums, rotting teeth and
gum infections. Dental disease should be considered a welfare
priority in dogs because it is very common and can also result in
loosening and loss. As well as direct oral 2,797 dogs (12.5%) were diagnosed with severe pain for affected animals as well as lasting for months or
even years if not treated.
effects, periodontal disease can promote periodontal disease in a single year. In
This study aimed to explore the frequency
infections in organs such as the kidneys, fact, periodontal disease was by far the of dental disease in UK dogs and to identify
which breeds were most affected.
heart and liver. One in eight of all dogs most commonly diagnosed disorder in UK Number of
Proportion of dogs with
seen each year in first opinion veterinary dogs, with ear infections (7.3%) and obesity dogs in study dental disease each year
care are diagnosed with periodontal (7.1%) coming in a distant second and 22,333
disease. third. This horror story of one in every eight 1 in 8
Dogs often endure pain so bravely and UK dogs suffering from periodontal disease
quietly that many owners are unaware of highlights the hidden dental epidemic that Does the risk of dental disease differ by breed?
their suffering from periodontal disease. our dogs are enduring so bravely.
4.0 x
Consequently, first opinion veterinary Are certain types of dogs more likely to 4 PREDISPOSED BREEDS
18 breeds were predisposed
to dental disease
teams are crucial in getting owners to be affected by periodontal disease, and if 3 2.6 x 2.6 x
understand not just dental disease risks so, can we use this information to improve TIMES INCREASED RISK 2 2.4 x 2.2 x 2.2 x 2.1 x 2.1 x Labrador Retriever Staffordshire Bull Terrier German Shepherd Dog
and consequences but also promoting an detection? The results showed that certain Risk compared to crossbreeds French Bulldog
awareness of applived experienceapp for affected breeds were phenomenally predisposed, 1 Toy Poodle Greyhound Lhasa Apso Yorkshire Terrier Cockapoo Chihuahua
dogs. with the greyhound (32.21% affected) TIMES DECREASED RISK 2 King Charles Spaniel Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 2.0 x 2.2 x 2.3 x
Veterinarians are well aware of typical King Charles spaniel (30.14% affected), 3 PROTECTED BREEDS
4 breeds were protected
Flat-faced Spaniel breeds to dental disease
signs of dental disease in dogs, including toy poodle (25.97% affected), Cavalier 4 (brachycephalic) breeds risk compared to 4.0 x
had 1.6 times
had 1.3 times risk
compared to breeds with non-spaniel breeds.
discoloured teeth, bad breath, inflamed King Charles spaniel (25.29% affected) medium length skulls.
gums, loose teeth, excessive drooling, Yorkshire terrier (22.22% affected) and
blood on chew toys and reluctance to Border terrier (22.09% affected) topping Other factors predisposing to dental disease
chew. However, many owners might not the list. Owners of breeds that are highly
notice these problems at all, or may just predisposed to periodontal disease should 4.0 As dogs aged, 3.8 x 3.9 x
their risk of
write them off as normal ageing or normal be encouraged by veterinary professionals 3.5 dental disease 3.2 x
became higher
for their dogs. These delays in seeking to be especially alert to signs of poor oral 3.0 2.8 x 3.1 x
Breeds of smaller
veterinary care mean that dogs endure health. Veterinarians check and should 2.5 x bodysize had higher
risk of dental
unnecessary pain from dental problems comment explicitly on the dogapps teeth on Relative risk of dental disease 2.5 disease than breeds
of larger bodysize
that have advanced to stages where each visit as a matter of course to underline 2.0 1.9 x
successful intervention is more difficult. A the importance of dental health to owners. 1.5 1.5 x 1.3 x
key step needed to resolve these issues What other useful predictors of 1.2 x
is getting good evidence on the frequency periodontal disease in dogs were 1.0 4 to < 6 yrs 6 to < 8 yrs 8 to < 10 yrs 10 to < 12 yrs ≥ 12 yrs < 10kg 10 to < 15kg 15 to < 20kg 20 to < 25kg 25 to < 30kg 30 to < 40kg*
2 to < 4 yrs*
of dental problems, and which dogs are discovered in the study? Periodontal
Age Bodyweight *Reference
most likely affected. This information can disease is a progressive disease that CONCLUSIONS:
help veterinary professionals to prioritise worsens as dogs age. The study showed
Veterinary dental
our efforts on canine dental care and that dogs aged eight years and above were treatment, which requires
an anaesthetic, might be
needed to resolve dental
Owners of high-risk
Good dental care, such
communicate proactively with owners to over three times more likely to be affected as tooth brushing with a concerned about your dogapps breeds and age groups
disease in dogs. If you are
avoid more advanced problems. with periodontal disease compared with dog-specific toothpaste, teeth, book an appointment should monitor their
dogapps teeth very
is recommended for all
to discuss with your
dogs from a young age.
A recent study from the VetCompass young adult dogs aged two to four years. veterinarian.
Research Team at the RVC sought to As a general rule, smaller-sized dogs were CLICK TO READ
document for the profession just how more prone to periodontal disease than RVC VetCompass /vetcompass carries out welfare research based on anonymised clinical information shared from over 30%
OappNeill et al. (2021) appEpidemiology of periodontal disease in dogs in the UK primary-care veterinary settingapp Journal of Small Animal Practice
of UK veterinary practices. We are very grateful to the owners and veterinary professionals who contribute to VetCompass research.
common periodontal disease in dogs is. As larger dogs: dogs weighing under 15kg
with other studies, VetCompass collected were 2.5 times more likely to be affected
anonymised clinical information from first than dogs weighing 30-40kg.
opinion veterinary practices in the UK and And interestingly, insured dogs were 30% .
examined the data for the benefit of dogs dogs, highlighting that increasing levels of
more likely to be diagnosed than uninsured
and their owners and to help our veterinary
colleagues address risks and problems care provided by owners and veterinarians For small animal referrals, please call:
with owners. can remarkably increase detection rates of 01707 666399
periodontal disease, reduce unnecessary Email:
suffering and deal with conditions earlier.
Autumn 2021 9