
The Directorate of Learning and Wellbeing aims to create inclusive wellness environments for study and work as part of a whole university approach to wellbeing for staff and students.  It works to create opportunities, events, spaces and learning experiences which contribute to a safe and respectful community across the RVC.

For academic staff it supports the development of innovative approaches to teaching practice which promote intellectual and emotional flexibility for students such as blended learning. It also supports the recognition of teaching excellence through the James Bee Educator awards.

For students it offers a full range of pre-arrival and induction events and student support services to help students thrive during their programme of study at RVC – and beyond.

Strategic Aims for Learning and Wellbeing

  • Create inclusive wellness environments (digital, physical and social) for all staff and students.
  • Support staff to create and foster engaging curricula and learning experiences.
  • Develop activities for staff and students to promote wellness and prevent illness.
  • Promote and develop mental health knowledge in order to develop skills to self-manage and thrive.
  • Strengthen a sense of community belonging within RVC.
  • Ensure all students can access effective support services that enable them to successfully manage the transitions into and out of Higher Education.

Learning and Wellbeing provides a range of academic and student support services to staff and students via the teams below. We are offering all of our services, appointments and events on both campuses and online. Click on each team to find out more about what they offer and how to get in touch.

Looking for more? Check out our staff and student one-stop shops for a wide variety of resources, events and appointments on LEARN:

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