
The College actively promotes equality and diversity for all of our staff and recognises that this includes developing practices to assist those with caring responsibilities outside of work.

Elderly Relatives

If you are responsible for the care or wellbeing of an elderly relative and would like information regarding options available for accommodation, finances or care.

Emergency Family Leave

Employees with dependants have a statutory right to reasonable unpaid leave to deal with family emergencies.

Employee Assistance Programme

Care First offers a counselling and advisory service to all RVC employees as an additional source of workplace support. This is free, impartial and confidential. Click  for further details.

Flexible Working

Flexible working is a provision that can enable you to adjust, by agreement with your manager, the balance between your home and work responsibilities, subject to operational and business needs. Please see  for further details.

Information for Parents

The college offers a number of practical and financial provisions to support parents and those soon to become parents in addition to the statutory requirements inferred on the college by government.

Childcare vouchers (ChildcarePlus)

The RVC Childcare Voucher Scheme, administered by Edenred, has now closed and we are unable to accept any new entrants to the scheme. You may still be entitled to tax free childcare which is now administered directly through the . On this website, you will be able to check your eligibility, make an application and find out more information on help available to pay for childcare. If you are currently in the Edenred scheme, you can stay in it so long as you remain employed by the RVC and do not take an unpaid career break of longer than a year.  

Feeding rooms

The College has provided a room on each campus for those wishing to breast feed or express milk. These rooms can be found;

  • Advice Centre, Old Wardens House, Hawkshead
  • Advice Centre, Camden

New Parents

Preparing for a new child, although exciting, can be a very hectic time. There are a series of guides to provide detailed information regarding your entitlements and giving clarity on the process you will need to follow.

Parental Leave

Parental Leave is a provision which allows employees to take unpaid leave for the purpose of caring for a child and is available to all parents of an eligible child. Please see  for details.

Pregnancy Parking

Pregnancy car parking is a provision in place where women in their third trimester can be given access rights to park in disabled parking spaces on campus. Please contact Hawkshead Security for more information.

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