Page 37 - RVC Welcome Pack 2023







Page 37 - RVC Welcome Pack 2023
P. 37


               Studentsapp union                                    societies range from academic to social, examples
                                                                  being Farm Animal Clinical Club and the Music
               Congratulations and welcome to all our new         Society. Students are invited to our AGM each
               students from all of us here at the Studentsapp Union!  year to make proposals for new clubs if they wish.
               We are a membership charity run by students, for   Joining a sports club or society is the easiest
               students, and answer foremost to students. Our     way to meet new people and make friends here
               officers are democratically elected and led by the   at the RVC! We typically run a variety of social
               SU President, Vice Presidents and an amazing       events throughout the year and are excited for our
               team of SU Officers. The team is also supported    Freshers week. Itapps always fantastic to experience
               by our staff members; ranging from overseeing      the entire university as a whole coming together
               the day-to-day, operational, strategic and financial   and having a great time.
               management of the SU to website and social         Even with all the social activities and support, the
               media content.
                                                                  SU is a union at heart. We aim to bridge the gap
               We have several facilities normally open during    between the student body and College by making
               term time; two campus bars, The Haxby and          sure your voice is always heard. Our Officer Team
               The Buttery, which are managed and staffed by      and the Course Representatives are here to listen
               students, as well as the Camden Gym and Activities   to your concerns. Weappre always looking to improve
               Studio and a SU Common Room at each campus.        as a Studentsapp Union, so please come speak to us
               We also run regular free gym and activities classes   about how we can better serve YOUR needs. All
               in the SAWC in Hawkshead. These facilities will be   our events are either free or at as low a cost as
               open to students when deemed appropriate over      possible and the profit from our bars and from any
               the year, but would normally be open to students   events is always reinvested back into the students.
               throughout the academic year. We also operate a
               SU shop for the specialist equipment you will need
               whilst at the RVC.                                   To find out more about the SU head over to
                                                                    our website at and like
               The SU supports an ever-increasing variety of        our official appRVC Studentsapp Unionapp Facebook
               inexpensive clubs and societies for any student      page to stay up to
               at the RVC to join. Sports clubs include the likes   date with us.
               of Rugby, Netball and Ultimate Frisbee with the
               ability to take part in university leagues. Our


               The app
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