Page 4 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
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The RVC has been educating students for Achieving educational goals should be The lifetime of the LTASE strategy is
over 200 years; during those years it has challenging but rewarding and students expected to be four years covering
adapted and evolved, and it will continue should be well supported through the the period 2024 app 2028. The actions
to do so. challenges they will face. The student outlined will be used to create an LTASE
body, and the staff who teach them and action plan and progress against those
It is a small and specialist higher with whom they interact, should refl ect the actions will be regularly reviewed by
education provider with approximately diversity of the societies from which they the appropriate college committees e.g.
2500 students studying biological are drawn and within which they will work. Learning, Teaching and Assessment
sciences, and courses leading to the Committee, Student Development
veterinary professions. The RVC prides We have made, and will continue to Committee, Teaching Quality Committee
itself on producing skilled graduates make, a fi rm commitment to providing and the College Executive Committee.
ready to work in their chosen fi elds and equality of opportunity to access higher
pursue further study. education, supporting students from In order for the strategy to remain current
diverse backgrounds to succeed in their and in view of the rapidly changing
It does this by providing an education studies and subsequently enriching the landscape of higher education this policy
that emphasises and documents the professions in which our graduates will will be reviewed and possibly amended in
development of competence, encourages work. In order to achieve our goals, we academic year 2026/2027.
independent, collaborative and refl ective must develop a sustainable community
study and embeds a spirit of enquiry with shared values that refl ect and shape
by having staff and students actively the past, present and future of the RVC
engaged in research.