Page 10 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
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The complexity, range and scale of many We aim to strengthen and support Use the RVC Research Institute,
problems in modern biology means that inter-disciplinary research at RVC, once established, to support and
research is increasingly collaborative and extending the reach of our impact and encourage inter-disciplinary and cross-
inter-disciplinary. Global health and bringing our scientists into contact with departmental approaches and to build
environmental challenges can be tackled new questions, ideas, and approaches. skills in collaborative research
only by integrating expertise across the To achieve these aims we will: Grow the capabilities of the RVCapps
clinical, biological and social cross-departmental quantitative support
Appoint RVC Research Coordinators
sciences. unit to ensure coverage of expanding
who will actively promote and develop
The RVC is proud of its strong global research collaboration across fi elds such as genomics and machine
reputation for inter-disciplinary research. disciplines and departments learning
This strength has grown from the uniquely
Focus particularly on establishing
shared purpose of RVC research app
internal collaborations that combine the
to improve animal and human health app
RVCapps strengths in clinical veterinary
and from our specialist nature, which has
medicine and practice with those in the
helped to foster cooperative teams and
biological sciences
inhibit disciplinary silos.