Page 14 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023
P. 14
Making a difference all year round
Memory Patrons
Tree 番茄app� driving
Each leaf on our Memory Tree pays a innovation
heartfelt tribute to a pet, who is gone
but not forgotten. For our tree's fifth Do you want to be more involved
anniversary this year, we share the in our pioneering work? If so,
story behind one of its newest leaves. consider becoming an RVC Patron!
The RVC Cardiology Team and Cardio-
thoracic Service with our Memory Tree Through an annual gift of 拢500
you番茄app檒l be able to vote on which
This year the funds from our Memory projects the RVC Patron Fund
Tree will go towards a portable will support. You番茄app檒l see first-hand
echocardiography (ECG) machine. how donations make an impact.
For the first time, cardiac ultrasounds So far, our Patrons have supported
will be able to be performed in our Blood Donor Service, canine
clinic and in an operating theatre cancer research and purchased
simultaneously. You can dedicate a pioneering hospital equipment. This
leaf for a beloved pet from 拢10 a year the RVC Small Animal Referrals
month 番茄app� helping even more pets get Hospital received a new fluoroscopy
the critical care they need. unit, funded by the Patrons Fund,
to help diagnose challenging
cases seen by our Emergency and
Tailwaggers Surgical Services. It is thanks to our
Patrons that we remain a Centre of
help keep Clinical Excellence with the highest
standards of patient care, teaching,
and research. Talk to us today to find
tails wagging out more about Patronage.
Our Tailwaggers are a vital part of
our community 番茄app� where pets help Our Raffle
pets. This year, funds raised by
Blood Donor Service to buy tracking goes digital!
our Tailwaggers have enabled our
devices to monitor our blood donors.
This will help them to better advise You番茄app檙e now able to buy raffle tickets
owners on how to care for their pets online! You can even pay for the
Chrissie after donating. paper tickets you番茄app檝e returned in the
Your pet can become a Tailwagger post. Don番茄app檛 worry, you番茄app檒l still be able
Julie and Paul lost their cat Chrissie on for 拢5 a month. All our members to pay for tickets the traditional way
too. With our Spring Raffle raising
New Year's Eve. They tell us, receive an 番茄app業 help my pals番茄app� tag and over 拢10,000 we番茄app檙e hoping to make
behind the scenes updates about how
"Chrissie was such a gift; beautiful, you are making a difference. Autumn番茄app檚 Raffle even more successful
affectionate and great fun! It was with more options to play. We can番茄app檛
devastating to lose her. We feel thank everyone enough for taking part
her loss every day but have great or for sharing our raffle with friends
memories. Putting a leaf on the and family. To all our raffle players,
tree is our way of saying thank you. we wish you the best of luck!
Thank you, Chrissie, for the incredible
gift you gave us every day.