Page 27 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 27 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 27



              New Head of RVC Studentsapp Union

              Callum Roberts |

             I                                    In my first few months I have been   road map for our development over
                was honoured to have joined
                RVCSU as Head of the Studentsapp
                                                  working hard to get to know everyone
                                                                                     the next three years, creating a platform
                                                  across the RVC and how all the different
                                                                                     for future success. I am excited to
                Union at the end of July this year.
                I have worked in higher education
                                                                                     that the RVCSU has developed over
              for 12 years and previously held roles    teams and services interact with the   continue building on the rich culture
                                                  Union. Now students have returned to
              as a senior leader and Trustee in other   campus, I have started  making myself   many years to deliver a diverse, inclusive,
              UK Studentsapp Unions.                known to them too and learning more   and dynamic environment where all
                                                  about what they value in the current offer   students can thrive.
              I am passionate about               and where they would like to see the
              ensuring that every student         Union develop in the future.       If you ever have any ideas or
              feels represented, engaged                                             feedback, Iappm always here to listen
              and empowered during their          I plan to launch a new strategy for the   app together, we can make the RVC
              time at university.                 Union by March 2025 that will set the   experience unforgettable!

              app I am excited to continue

               building on the rich
               culture that the

               RVCSU has developed
               over many years to

               deliver a diverse,
               inclusive, and dynamic

               environment where all
               students can

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