Page 68 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 68 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 68

RVC Alumni Fund app

        Making a real difference to students

               he RVC Alumni Fund has a     Welcome to Weany!
               huge impact on our students.   The RVC Alumni Fund has funded
               It helps support students in   the purchase of a number of fantastic
        Tfinancial need, provides a         simulators, helping students practise
        lifeline to the ever-popular RVCSU   and perfect their handling and clinical
        Clubs and Societies and enhances    skills before dealing with a live patient.
        the education of students through the   The latest addition is a pig simulation
        provision of cutting-edge educational   model, called Weany.
        equipment and funding career-inspiring
        work placement opportunities. Put   Weany enables students to
        simply, the RVC Alumni Fund supports   gain confidence with procedures
        hundreds of students every year helping   like jugular blood sampling, castration
        them achieve their full potential app so on   and euthanasia app notoriously difficult
        behalf of all of them, thank you! Here are  skills to develop especially with pigs.
        some of the projects the RVC Alumni
        Fund has supported this year.

          RVC Student Support               Jolly Hockey Club!
          Fund app essential
          support to students               This year the RVC Hockey Club held a 12-hour hockey marathon to raise funds for
          in need                           Dementia UK and the club itself. They raised £1400 in total with £500 of this going
                                            to the club app this was matched with £500 from the RVC Alumni Fund. Rebecca
          The RVC Alumni Fund contributes
          to the RVC Student Support Fund   Wilkinson, Charity Secretary for the club said they were hugely grateful and added:
          every year and in the past two    appWe intend to buy a new Captainsapp board to be placed in the Buttery and the money
          years in particular, this support   will also go towards pitch hire for training and matches, buying new equipment such
          has made a massive difference.    as goalie kits and will allow the club to put on more events as You can read
          Shelley Revel, Deputy Head of     the full hockey report on page 35.
          the RVC Student Advice Centre
          commented: appThe 2021/22
          academic year continued to be
          marked by the impact of the
          pandemic and we recognised at
          the beginning of the year that it
          would continue to be financially
          challenging for students. The
          ongoing effects of the pandemic
          and the steep rise in the cost
          of living have impacted on our
          students in a variety of ways.
          Thankfully, the Student Support
          Fund means we can continue to
          support students through these
          tough One grateful recipient
          of this support added: appThis award
          was amazing to receive. It was
          such a relief and helped relieve

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