Page 50 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 50
Andrew Rycroft, Emeritus Professor of
Clinical and Veterinary Microbiology
Ken Smith, Mark Fox and Sian-Marie Frosini
s friends and colleagues of opportunities. His slides and jokes,
Andrew·¬ÇÑapp™s, it is a pleasure to some a little to the leeward of political
write this article celebrating correctness, were always entertaining
Ahis elevation to Emeritus and designed to emphasise
Professor status on his retirement. scientific content in a humorous and
engaging way. He was also keen
Andrew started his career in on running lectures and practical
microbiology following undergraduate classes as a double (or treble act)
and doctoral studies at the University with fellow academics, enhancing
of Leeds. His first academic post their entertainment value while also
was as Lecturer in Bacteriology at illustrating that education in science
the University of Glasgow, where his depends on teamwork. Noteworthy
undergraduate students included a also in this digital age is that Andrew
certain Stuart Reid, now well known regularly emphasised features on
to all of us. It was whilst in Glasgow his PowerPoint slides not just with a
that Andrew developed an interest in cursor but with a (literal) big stick.
bacterial diseases in pigs, particularly
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Outside of the ·¬ÇÑapp˜classroom·¬ÇÑapp™, Andrew·¬ÇÑapp™s
which is an important cause of extensive research interests
pneumonia in this species. Andrew·¬ÇÑapp™s encompass ·¬ÇÑapp˜traditional bacteriology·¬ÇÑapp™,
fascination with this pathogen, and state-of-the-art molecular techniques
the mechanisms by which it causes and applications to diagnosis and
disease, continued throughout his development of vaccines. His great
career and resulted in multiple grants, passion throughout his career has
publications and speaking invitations. been to motivate and inspire the next
generation of veterinary researchers
Andrew moved to the RVC
as Senior Lecturer in Veterinary and he welcomed undergraduate
Microbiology and Head of students into the laboratory for
Bacteriology, in 1992, and was elective projects, within the lively
subsequently promoted to Reader hub that numerous successful PhD
in Infectious Diseases and then students and research staff have
Professor of Veterinary and Clinical called home (accompanied as always
Microbiology. Whilst at the RVC, he by those memorable jokes). His
has been a researcher, diagnostician mentoring to future research scientists
and teacher and, for any BVetMed and microbiologists has been greatly
alumni from the past three decades, valued by those within and outside
the name Andrew Rycroft will be his direct supervision. He has always
synonymous with all things bacterial. been a valuable sounding board ·¬ÇÑapp“ and
His elevation to Emeritus Professor one who is not afraid to tell you to go
as he retires is of no surprise to those away and think about a project for a
of us that have learnt from, worked little bit longer if needed!
alongside and possibly even butted Emeritus Professor status reflects
heads with him over the years and we how integral Andrew has been to
wish him well as he moves onto the all the strands of RVC life. Now, as
next (seafaring) chapter. he moves on to spend less time on
solid ground, able to enjoy his boat
Having won the internal ·¬ÇÑapp˜Jim Bee·¬ÇÑapp™ to the fullest, we hope (and know)
teaching award multiple times and that he won·¬ÇÑapp™t be going too far and
been chairman of many teaching- will continue to offer support and
related academic groups, Andrew guidance for many years to come.
clearly put students first at all