Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 11

                                                                                              GENERAL NEWS

          ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™I have always enjoyed CPD.        ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™The Grad Dip encouraged me
          I think most RVNs do, as we         to critically reflect on the care
          understand the importance of        I was giving to patients on a
          development in an ever-changing     daily basis. I became fascinated    ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™The online learning
          veterinary world.                   by comparing my own practices       experience has been great.
                                              to peer-reviewed styles and from    The course material is easily
          ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™What has the Grad Dip done for    here I decided I would publish      accessible and has allowed
          me? Quoting Mahatma Ghandi          my patient care reports in the      me to balance both work and
          ·¬ÇÑapp˜Be the change you wish to see      hope that other nurses would be     education with ease.
          in the world·¬ÇÑapp™. My Grad Dip is       interested in how I approached a
          allowing me to be the change        particular scenario.·¬ÇÑapp™·¬ÇÑapp™              ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™This course has made a
          I want to see in the veterinary                                         significant difference to my work
          nursing world. To be the change I   Louise Lee (GradDipVN)              within practice. I have gained
          want to be in my practice and to                                        knowledge and skills which have
          continue to be the person I am.                                         already improved patient care
          Hopefully, that will inspire others                                     and the day-to-day running of
          to be the change.·¬ÇÑapp™·¬ÇÑapp™                                                     the practice. I have been able to
                                                                                  suggest new ideas.
          Meghan Conroy (GradDipVN)
                                                                                  ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™The most valuable thing I have
                                                                                  learnt from this course is clinical
                                                                                  auditing and how to approach
                                                                                  evidence-based nursing.

                                                                                  ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™Although it is hard work,
                                                                                  it couldn·¬ÇÑapp™t be more worth it. The
                                                                                  knowledge I have gained will be
                                                                                  invaluable to me going forward
                                                                                  and has lit a spark for further
                                                                                  education and development.·¬ÇÑapp™·¬ÇÑapp™
                                                                                  Florence Mather (CertAVN)

          ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™Before the course I did not       ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™Being able to apply               ·¬ÇÑapp˜·¬ÇÑapp™I feel that I have gained so
          see myself in a senior role         the skills and knowledge            much from this course. Not
          but after starting the course it    to work is amazing. I               only in clinical knowledge but
          has given me the confidence         understand some conditions          the leadership module has
          and additional leadership           much more that I used to            helped me develop personally
          skills to apply for a senior        and am able to change my            and grow in my role at work.·¬ÇÑapp™·¬ÇÑapp™
          RVN position which is the role      nursing care.·¬ÇÑapp™·¬ÇÑapp™
          I am now in.·¬ÇÑapp™·¬ÇÑapp™                                                          Tanya Morrison (CertAVN)
                                              Krishna Mistry (CertAVN)
          Lizzy Doyle (CertAVN)

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