
Blood collected from our canine and feline donors is used for a variety of different patient concerns. The Transfusion Medicine Service processes blood obtained from our donors into a variety of different components.

Separation of whole blood into its constituents allows for a more tailored approach of administering products based on our individual patient needs. It also allows for a longer storage time of blood products, minimising wastage of this vital resource.

The products we have available for our canine and feline patients include

  • Fresh whole blood - used in patients requiring all of the components of blood to support them through their condition
  • Packed red blood cells - used in patients that are anaemic and requiring only the red blood cell component of whole blood
  • Fresh frozen plasma - used in patients with a wide range clotting problems
  • Frozen plasma - used if patients require additional protein support or have been intoxicated with certain rodenticides
  • Serum eye drops - used by our ophthalmology service to treat patients with corneal ulceration
  • Cryoprecipitate - available for our canine patients suffering from haemophilia and other diseases preventing normal blood clotting.

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