
Using powerful imaging capabilities of x-ray tomography we are able to image and analyse a variety of samples, including bones, fossils, soft tissues, insects, synthetic materials and more.

We currently use a Skyscan 1172 MicroCT system that generates 3D models of samples, allowing for non-destructive imaging of internal microstructures.

System Specification

X-ray Source: 20-100kV, 10W, <5µm spot size or 20-80kV, 8W, <8µm spot

X-ray detector: 10 Megapixel (4000 x 2300) 12-bit cooled CCD with fibre optic coupling to scintillator

Maximum object: 27mm in diameter(single scan) or 50mm in diameter (offset scan) size

Detail detectability: 0.6µm at highest resolution

The system is available for hire to academic and non-academic external parties and full training and support is provided.


For details about hiring or further information please contact Mark Hopkinson, CBS, RVC, Royal College Street, London, NW1 0TU.
Tel: 020 7468 5036
Email: mhopkinson@rvc.ac.uk  

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