
As an Intern/Resident at the RVC you will develop the specialist-level research skills and clinical experience needed to rise to the top of your chosen field.

Based in either the Departments of Clinical Science and Services (CSS) or Pathobiology and Population Sciences (PPS), you will work alongside world-class academic staff and gain access to the diverse case load of the RVC's hospitals, with exposure to every facet of clinical problem-solving and the management of patients.


One year Internships are available in:

    Small Animal Internship →


    Equine Internship →


    Exotic Animal Internship →


    Production Animal Internship →


    Veterinary Primary Accessible Care Internship (V-PACE)



Residencies are available in: 

    Small Animal Residences (including Pathology)


    Comparative Residences →


    Equine Residences (including Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging) →


    Exotic Animal Residences →


    Production Animal Residences →


    Zoo Health Management →

You will receive full-time clinical training under the direct supervision of specialist academic staff.  Most of your time (75-85%) will be spent engaged in supervised clinical activities. The large and diverse case load of the RVC's hospitals will ensure that you are exposed to every facet of clinical problem solving and case management. You will also be expected to get involved in research activities including the potential to develop clinical research projects allied to one of our research themes. There is also a programme of meetings, seminars, tutorials and lectures for you to participate in.

Many of our residents spend time on placement in other diagnostic laboratories or clinical centres to broaden their experience.

If you are with us for three years as a Resident you will be registered for a Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine. Your caseload and the residency activities will be designed to prepare you for a specialist diploma examination.

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