





Page 3 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2019
P. 3

  ACritical Care Case One Year On
15-year-old German long-haired respiratory rate was elevated at 40bpm and pointer that presented with septic he was pyrexic at 40.2°C.
shock and was found to have Point of care ultrasound (POCUS)
 pyothorax made a good recovery and has enjoyed more than a year of life since being treated and cared for at RVC Small Animal Referrals.
Toby was referred to the RVC late one evening last autumn with tachypnoea and collapse. On presentation he was laterally recumbent and mentally depressed. He had muffled heart sounds and weak peripheral pulses with a heart rate of 160bpm. His
revealed pleural fluid; diagnostic thoracocentesis was performed and a diagnosis of pyothorax was made. Bilateral chest drains were placed to aid stabilisation. The following morning thoracic and abdominal CT was performed, but no underlying cause for the pyothorax was found.
Outlining the case, co-head of Emergency and Critical Care, Karen Humm said: appToby is a lovely dog and
was a challenging patient to treat. On presentation he was in severe septic shock and required intensive care with initial nor-adrenaline and dobutamine constant rate infusions to aid stabilisation, alongside broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic therapy (co-amoxyclav), high flow oxygen therapy and fluid therapy.
appAt this point, taking into account Tobyapps unstable condition, based on human literature and discussion between the Critical Care, Soft Tissue Surgery and Diagnostic Imaging Services and Tobyapps owners, the decision was made to manage his pyothorax medically. After 24 hours, Tobyapps vital signs and blood gas parameters stabilised and therefore the constant rate infusions of noradrenaline and dobutamine were stopped. A naso-oesophageal
(NO) tube was placed and parenteral feeding was started due to Tobyapps clinical
During his time in hospital,Toby developed vasculitis secondary to his inflammatory state and this resulted in bruising and oedema of his limbs.Toby
was a big challenge for the ICU nursing team, due to the requirement for frequent physiotherapy to manage his oedema
and arthritic pain (alongside analgesia), aseptic care of his chest drains and urethral catheter, frequent chest lavage and tube feeding, and the need for love and attention that all ICU patients require, but that
was particularly important in a geriatric, disorientated patient.
Tobyapps clinical condition steadily improved over the following week and he became alert and ambulatory.When he started to walk, this was a great moment for the whole team involved in his care. He also started to eat and therefore the NO tube was removed. Once the pleural fluid no longer had any cytological evidence of bacteria, the chest drains were removed.
Upon discharge the importance of close monitoring to detect any signs of return of the pyothorax was explained to his owners. Deciding when to stop antibiotic therapy in these cases can be hard,Toby went home on oral antibiotics and CRP measurements were used to aid in making the decision to stop antibiotics after six weeks of therapy.
For small animal referrals, please call:
01707 666399
  app Point of care thoracic ultrasound: Moderate amount of pleural effusion, some B-lines.
app CT scan: Bilateral pleural fluid and lobar consolidation compatible with pleuropneumonia. Specific cause
not identified. Splenic nodule. Renal mineralisation. Extensive spondylosis deformans / diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.
app Chronic arthritis, shoulder, coxofemoral, stifle and tarsal joints.
app Pleural effusion cytology: Neutrophilic exudate with mixed bacterial sepsis
app Culture and sensitivity: Streptococcus canis and Pasteurella spp (both sensitive to Amoxycillin/Clavulanic).
Procedures performed
app Bilateral chest drains
app Central venous catheter app Urethral catheter
app Naso-oesophageal tube
  Autumn 2019 3
Toby with (left to right) Inma Cerrada, owner Matthew Cambery and Karen Humm. Below: Toby during return visit to the RVC

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