Search - Veterinary Services
51 - 54 of 54 results
Duck Intensive Care Case
A recent seen by the Exotic referral service at the RVC's Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital demonstrated how important intensive nursing care is for our more unusual patients. -
Common Rabbit Referral Cases
Rabbits make up a large part of the caseload at RVC Exotics Service, Based at the RVC Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital in London, it was one of the first practices in the UK to be graded by the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund as Gold Standard in rabbit care. -
QMHA Why Refer
With a team of over 200 dedicated and professional staff, RVC Small Animal Referrals is the largest and most comprehensive small animal referral service in Europe. -
Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia
The Anaesthesia and Analgesia Service at RVC Small Animal Referrals has extensive expertise in managing critically ill patients, analgesia, cardiac patients and neurosurgical patients.