People Finder
We have found the following people that match '':
Dr Deepa Avisetti
Research Associate (Dhoot)Mrs Ana Bach
ResidentMrs Katie Bacon
Veterinary Nurse +44 (0)1707 666257
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Hawkshead
Mr Alex Badulescu
Emergency and Critical Care Weekend Night RVNMrs Jo Bailey
Head of Knowledge Exchange and CommercialisationMs Alexandra Bailey
MPhil/PhD (Full time)Mrs Sally Baker
Teaching Fellow in Clinical Farm Animal MedicineMrs Siobhan Baker
Assistant Registrar for Student Resolution and Compliance +44 (0)1707 669651
Academic Registry, Hawkshead
Dr Vicki Baldrey
Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery +44 (0)20 7468 5000
Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, Camden
Miss Mary Ball
PhD StudentMiss Emma Ballard
Emeregency and Critical Care Night RVNDr Randy Ballesteros Mejia
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Mukherjee)Mr Debasish Bandopadhyay
ISD Procurement Category Manager 01707669557
Dr Charlotte Banks
Staff Clinician Small Animal Surgery CETMiss Kate Barber
Emergency and Critical Care Night RVNDr Dominic Barfield
Deputy Clinical Director QMHA & Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 01707 666 366
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Hawkshead