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A question left unanswered or deleted by the student will score zero. The pass mark for the MCQ examination as a whole will be set according to approved and accepted standard setting protocols, normalised and then scaled. Oral Presentations & Oral Examinations The College marking scheme for Oral Presentations will be used for all appropriate presentations and the marking scheme for Masters Research Project Oral Examinations will be used for appropriate Oral Exams. 5. 5.1. 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.2. 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.4. 5.4.1. 5.4.2. 5.4.3. 5.4.4. 5.5 5.5.1. 5.5.2.Requirements to Pass Requirements to Pass each Module for the Certificate of Higher Education Biological Sciences To have achieved a weighted, aggregated average of at least 40% (or gained exemptions) from all of the pieces of work combined AND To pass any practical assessment Requirements to Pass each Module for the BVetMed Gateway To have achieved a weighted, aggregated average of at least 50% (or gained exemptions) from all of the pieces of work combined AND To pass any practical assessment Requirements to be Awarded a Certificate of Higher Education or Progress to Level 5 of a BSc Course: To have passed individual module(s) (including exemptions) according to 5.1. above amounting to 120 credits OR To have gained a weighted aggregated average of 40% from modules to the value of 120 credits with modules amounting to a total of no more than 30 credits gaining a mark between 30 and 39%. All other modules must gain a mark of 40% or more. Requirements to Progress to Year 1 of the BVetMed To have passed individual module(s) (including exemptions) according to 5.2. above amounting to 120 credits AND To have passed the Animal Handling Assessment OR To have achieved an aggregated weighted average of 50% from the modules with no more than one or two modules amounting to 30 credits in total gaining a mark between 40 and 49%. All other modules must gain a mark of 50% or more. AND To have passed the Animal Handling Assessment Progression and Award Provided the appropriate requirements are met a student can choose either to progress to Level 5 BSc, BVetMed Year 1 or to claim the award of Certificate of Higher Education. In order to progress towards or gain a given award a student will need to have passed and gained credit for modules that meet the required pattern for that award, as defined in the Award Pathway document for BSc and MSci, or the requirements specified here for the BVetMed. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. Consequences of Failure A student who fails a module at the first attempt shall have a right to resit. They will be required to resit those pieces of work that were failed (with less than 50%) at the next available opportunity. Where the student has not yet completed all of the modules in a Stage, they will be required to resit any piece of work with a mark of less than 50% in order to pass a module if it has not been passed on aggregate at the first attempt. The module mark obtained at the second attempt will be no greater than 50%. However, where the work deserves a mark of more than 50% that mark shall be used for the purposes of calculating the overall aggregated weighted average mark of 50% from the modules, as required in 5.4. above. When a module resit involves a piece of assessed work, the amount of time the resit student is given to do that work should be the same as on the first occasion. A student who is studying full time and has failed either the first or second year of their degree course at the second attempt and has not previously repeated a year of undergraduate study at the College (on any programme) will be entitled to repeat the year. The number of attempts at assessments will be the same as for those students not repeating the year. All Year Marks or Module Marks under the repeat year rule will be capped at a maximum of a bare pass and that will be the mark carried forward for degree classification. A student who is studying full time and has failed the year at the second attempt and has previously repeated a year of undergraduate study at the College (on any programme) will be required to withdraw from the course. They will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations A full time student who has not passed at the end of a repeated year is required to appeal irrespective of any deferrals. Any student who has failed after having taken all resit and repeat opportunities will be required to withdraw from the course. They will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. A student will be eligible for consideration for transfer to the BSc, according to the College Regulations for transfer between courses, if they have met the passing threshold for BSc. Namely, to have gained a weighted aggregated average of 40% from modules to the value of 120 credits with modules amounting to a total of no more than 30 credits gaining a mark between 30 and 39%. All other modules must have a mark of 40% or more. 7. 7.1. 7.2.Classification and Awards: From the combined mark taken from all of the components defined above, a student who chooses to take the Certificate of Higher Education award and achieves: 70% or more at the first attempt from the aggregate of all modules: Distinction 60-69% at the first attempt from the aggregate of all modules: Merit 40-59% at the first attempt from the aggregate of all modules: Pass Where a student chooses to transfer and progress to BSc the marks for Level 4 will contribute 0% to the overall BSc degree classification. 8. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3.Absence from Summative Assessments and In-Course Assessment An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by the Student Performance and Development System and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. Where a student has an allowable absence the assessment will be considered to be deferred until the next sitting or submission date except, where a student has an allowable absence for work amounting to no more than 12 credits of assessment, his/her overall mark for the level will be calculated pro rata. 10. Late Submission of Work Reports, Projects and Assignments submitted after the due deadline will be subject to the late submission policy set out in the Colleges General Assessment Regulations.      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