ࡱ> RTQy Ebjbj AN{{- 80Dt.&&&ceeeeee$ R&&www&&cwcwww&^0,wO0w!T!w!wwp! :  1.Course: BVetMed Gateway2.Year: 03.Applicable to Academic Year: 2012/134.Aspects of course covered by Examination: All subjects taught in the year.5. 5.1 5.2 Form of Examination: Written Papers (All subjects): Paper 1: 1 hour up to 60 multiple choice questions (MCQ). Paper 2: 2 hours 4 x 30-minute problem solving questions. Paper 3: 2 hours 4 x 30 minute essay questions. In course assessments: 1 written exam: 1.5 hours, MCQs and problem solving/essay questions. 1 library-based project. 1 poster presentation. 1 lambing report. 1 OSCE style exam on animal husbandry. 6. 6.1 6.2Marking Criteria: Examinations, In Course Assessment, Orals, Library Projects and Practical. The College Common Grading Scheme will be used as appropriate for extended pieces of writing with 0-10 marking on short answer responses of a factual nature Multiple Choice Questions The number of marks available for each type of question will be clearly stated on the examination paper. A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. 7. Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements:  Written Paper 1 Written Paper 2 Written Paper 3 In course assessment: Library project Poster presentation Lambing report AH OSCE Written Exam First sit 15 30 30 5 5 5 Pass required 10 Resit 20 40 40 0 0 0 Pass reqd 0  8. 8.1 8.2Requirements to Pass Overall and Progress to the Next Stage: First Sit: An average mark of 50% or more aggregated from the marks listed in 7 above and A pass mark in animal husbandry OSCE exam. Resit: An average mark of 50% or more aggregated from the marks listed in 7 above and To have attained a pass mark in animal husbandry OSCE exam. 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 Consequences of Failure: A candidate who fails at the first sit is required to take the resit or withdraw from the course. A candidate who fails only due to failure of the Animal Husbandry OSCE may progress but will be required to retake and pass the OSCE only at the next opportunity in order to continue with the course. A candidate who fails at the resit will be required to withdraw from the course. S/he has a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 10. 10.1 10.2 Classification: A candidate who obtains an average mark of 65-69% inclusive will be awarded a pass with merit. A candidate who obtains an average mark of 70% or more will be awarded a pass with distinction. 11. Disclosure of Marks: Results will be published by candidate number. 12.Absence and Summative in course assessment: Where a student has an allowable absence, s/he will be marked absent (A) from a summative assessment. Where a student has an A, and there are three or more in-course assessments in the year, the marks awarded will be the average of the other in-course assessment marks gained by the student. 90% of the marks for the year must be attributed to results of direct assessment i.e. no more than 10% of marks can be attributed to Absent (A) marks. An allowable absence is once that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. 13. Late submission of work: Reports or Project work submitted after the due deadline will be given a mark of 0 (zero). The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason.       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3  ()*+LOPRSTUXξwi[M[wwۜwhXCJOJQJ^JaJhBCJOJQJ^JaJh:CJOJQJ^JaJ&hL1hCD5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hL1hCDCJOJQJ^JaJ#hL1hCD5CJOJQJ^JaJh hCD5CJ\^JaJhL1hCD5CJ\^JaJhCD5CJ\^JaJh hCDCJ^JaJhCDCJ^JaJh hCD5\^JaJ!*tgg <<$IfgdMtkd$$Ifl0h$(#0&4 laytM <<$IfgdM]gdCD*+.T}p <<$Ifgd  <<$IfgdMtkd$$Ifl0h$(#0&4 laytMTUX}} <<$IfgdMtkdR$$Ifl0h$(#0&4 laytMvvvvvvvvvv $IfgdM <$IfgdMtkd$$Ifl0h$(#0&4 laytM  ! 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