ࡱ> HJGy 0bjbj =:{{-,,84tzzz$K lSSSSSS~p0, R  SS , L:  Assessment and Award Regulations 1. Course: BSc and BVetMed Combined Programme (D101 route) 2. Year: 1 3. Applicable to Academic Year: 2012/134. Aspects of course covered by Examination: All subjects studied during the year. 5. Form of Examination: As BSc Bioveterinary Sciences for the relevant year 6. Marking Criteria: As BSc Bioveterinary Sciences for the relevant year7. Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements As BSc Bioveterinary Sciences for the relevant year 8. Requirements to Pass Overall and Progress to the Next Stage An average mark of 50% aggregated from the available marks. 9. Consequences of Failure In order to progress with the Combined Degree A candidate who fails the examination at the first attempt will be permitted one resit opportunity. A mark of 50% or more is required to enable progression on the Combined Degree. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course of study. S/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. In order to progress to BSc alone A candidate who fails to achieve 50% at the first or second attempt but who has received 40% or more will be permitted to continue to study for the BSc Bioveterinary Sciences under the award and assessment regulations for that course. They will not be permitted to continue to study for the BVetMed. The mark carried forward to classification of the BSc will be that achieved at the first attempt if it is 40% or more. If the mark from the first sitting is less than 40% then the mark carried forward from the second attempt can be no more than 40%. 10. Honours Classification and Award As BSc Bioveterinary Sciences for the relevant year 11. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 12. Absence and Summative in- course assessment As BSc Bioveterinary Sciences for the relevant year. 13. Late submission of work As BSc Bioveterinary Sciences for the relevant year      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 !"&0`abfsuvw{   " M N O ƴƭƝƭӝӝƝ~qgƭZh5CJOJQJ^Jh;3CJOJQJh>S䴳ϴ">5Cϴ^,5Cϴ>a<5CJOJQJ\ h>a<"h]0=h5CJOJQJ\^Jh>a<CJOJQJ"h>a<5CJOJQJ\^Jh>a<CJOJQJ^Jhn7 56B*ph""%&`abefa[U$If$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 layt $Ifgdp $If^gd$IfgdWgdn7 fuvwz{qkk^ *$If^*gdA$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 layt $Ifgdp $If^gdpttg^ $Ifgdp $If^gdp *$If^*gdp$Ifxkd2$$Ifl0f w0644 layt   M sjj $Ifgdp$If^`$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 laytM N Q R Y a s t xjx  9r $Ifgdp $Ifgdp$Ifxkdd$$Ifl0f w0644 laytO Q R X _ a s t z {       Z ξξwྱjZαh>a<CJOJQJ\^JhCJOJQJ\^Jh5CJOJQJ^Jh5CJOJQJ\^J h>a<h;3CJOJQJh>nhSCJOJQJh>a<CJOJQJh>a<5CJOJQJ\"h>a<5CJOJQJ\^Jh>a<CJOJQJ^Jh>a<5CJOJQJ^J!  xxx $Ifgdp$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 layt    Z [ ||ssss $Ifgdp$If}kd$$Ifl40f w0644 laf4yt B C e f xxxoxxxxx $IfgdC4( $Ifgdp$IfxkdG$$Ifl0f w0644 layt H I B C e f  |n]PC6h6w5CJOJQJ\h;35CJOJQJ\hC4(5CJOJQJ\!h6wh6w56CJOJQJ\h6w56CJOJQJ\ha<5CJOJQJ\h>a<5CJOJQJ\h6wCJOJQJ^JhC4(CJOJQJ^JhC4(hC4(CJOJQJ^JhC4(ha<CJOJQJ\h6wha<6CJOJQJh>a<CJOJQJh6w56CJOJQJh6wCJOJQJ ?@ACFrsy𿰞wmwi[w𿰞Mh>a<>*CJOJQJh>a<CJOJQJ\hh8h;3CJOJQJh>a<CJOJQJh>nhSCJOJQJh\5CJOJQJ\"h>a<5CJOJQJ\^Jh5CJOJQJ\^J h>a<h>65Cϴ65Cϴa<5CJOJQJ\h>a<5CJOJQJ\f ~xxoo $Ifgdp$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 layt $Ifgdp ?@vv $Ifgdp$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 layt@AEFrsxxxx $Ifgdp$Ifxkd $$Ifl0f w0644 laytyz   ()ñ٤ҕskgkgkgkgc_WSWh<|jh<|Uh)Mshn7 hw0jhw0U h>a<CJOJQJ^JaJ h>nhCJOJQJ^JaJh>a<CJOJQJ^Jh>nhSCJOJQJ"h>a<5CJOJQJ\^Jh5CJOJQJ\^J h>a<h>a<5CJOJQJ\h;3CJOJQJh>a<CJOJQJxxx $Ifgdp$Ifxkd$$Ifl0f w0644 layt   ,~$a$xkdR$$Ifl0f w0644 layt)*+-./0 h>a<CJOJQJ^JaJhw0h)Mshn7 jh<|UhAmHnHu,-./0;0P:pn7 . 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