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Competence in Pathological Procedures, Zoo Management and Wild Animal Conservation and Management Check List (for the assessment of practical experience of the Practical Studies component) 6. Marking Criteria: - Examination essays, coursework and research projects (written report and oral examination) will be marked according to the Colleges common 17-point grading scheme (in the appendix). - Multiple Choice Questions: the number of marks available for each question will be clearly stated on the examination paper. A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. - Competence in Pathological Procedures and Zoo Management Check List: i) All candidates must have been certified competent in selected basic pathological procedures by one of the Veterinary Officers or research veterinary surgeons of the Zoological Society of London or one of the veterinary surgeons from the RVC and ii) All candidates must have been certified competent in selected zoo management or wild animal conservation and management procedures by the appropriate keeper/team leader/section leader/ curators of the Zoological Society of London or staff member of a Non-Governmental Conservation Organisation7. Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements Allocation of marks is blueprinted against the number of teaching or research weeks in that module/component: Teaching Component (60%) Teaching Module 1 - 10% Teaching Module 2. -10% Teaching Module 3 - 20% Teaching Module 4 - 20% Practical Component (5%) Practical Studies 5% Research Component (35%) Grant Application 5% Scientific Paper 25% Oral Defence 5% Competence in Pathological Procedures, Zoo Management and Wild Animal Conservation and Management. The students must perform all listed procedures competently to pass the component and course. 8.Requirements to Pass Overall and Progress to the Next Stage To have achieved a mark of at least 50% from the composite of the components as defined in 7 above and not less than 50% in each of the Teaching and Research Components and Competence in Pathological Procedures, Zoo Management and Wild Animal Conservation and Management: i) All candidates must have been certified competent in selected basic pathological procedures by one of the Veterinary Officers or research veterinary surgeons of the Zoological Society of London or one of the veterinary surgeons from the RVC and ii) All candidates must have been certified competent in selected zoo management or wild animal conservation and management by appropriate keeper/team leader/section leader/ curators of the Zoological Society of London or staff member of a Non-Governmental Conservation Organisation9. Consequences of Failure A candidate who fails at the first attempt shall have a right to re-sit as determined by the Board of Examiners. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course. They will have, however, a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 10. Classification and Awards: From the mark taken from all of the components defined in 7 above (plus pass in Competence in Clinical and Pathological Procedures Check List). 75% or more at the first attempt Distinction 65-74% at the first attempt Merit 50-64% Pass 11. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 12. Absence and Summative in-course assessment An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. 13. Late submission of work Written reports or research projects submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the directors for an allowable reason.       )*+,-89=>˼|UE5l;56Oϴl{56Oϴl{5Oϴ^l{5C^]5Clm5Cl<5CJ^Jhlhn<CJ^Jhlh{nCJ^J"hlhn<5CJOJQJ\^Jhlh{nCJOJQJ^Jhlh{nOJQJ^Jh]5OJQJ^JhlhK*5OJQJ^Jhlh{n5OJQJ^J+,-01QRSVf] $Ifgd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! $If^gd{n $Ifgd{ngd{n$a$gdn< VW`abefsf *$If^*gd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! $If^gd{n $Ifgd{n]^_`abķ}m]OAhlh1OJQJ\^JhlhpOJQJ\^Jhlh]v5OJQJ\^Jhlhn<5OJQJ\^Jhlh{nOJQJ\^Jhlhn<OJQJ\^JhlhmOJQJ\^Jhlh{n5OJQJ\^Jhlh{nOJQJ^Jhlh{n5OJQJ^Jhlh{n6OJQJ\^Jhlhm6OJQJ^Jhlhn<56OJQJ^Jss *$If^*gd1 $Ifgd{nvkdn$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! # $ t v y z  7wŸrbUUUhlh-HOJQJ^Jhlh5OJQJ\^Jhlh{n5OJQJ^JhlhpOJQJ^JhpOJQJ^Jh]OJQJ^Jhlh]OJQJ^Jh~OJQJ^JhlhpOJQJ^Jhlh;OJQJ\^Jhlh{n5OJQJ\^Jhlh{nOJQJ^Jhlh15OJQJ\^J! ~m~~~ddddd $Ifgdp$If^`gd{n $Ifgd{nxkd%$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! t u v y z | wvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! $Ifgd{n $Ifgdp | H  V Nxy|}_xkd$$Ifl 0#"f064 layts! $Ifgd-H $Ifgdp <<$Ifgdp $Ifgd{n wxyz 9 !"F䷩~tgYK=hlh{n5OJQJ^Jhlh{5OJQJ^Jhlh-HOJQJ\^Jhlh-HOJQJ^JhpOJQJ^JhlhpOJQJ^J hlh-HOJQJ^JmH sH hlh3Z)OJQJ^Jhlhp5OJQJ^JhlhpOJQJ^Jhlh{n5OJQJ\^Jhlhs!5OJQJ\^Jhlh{nOJQJ^JhlhOJQJ\^J} 9Qi ! $Ifgd3Z) $Ifgdp <<$Ifgdp $Ifgd{n&'7/J{rri`WWW $Ifgd-H $Ifgd{ $Ifgdp $Ifgd{n $Ifgd^R {kd`$$Ifl40#"f064 laf4yts! &'5 IJKNOfgh־}k\M\;"hlh{5CJOJQJ\^Jhlh{nCJOJQJ^JhlhCJOJQJ^J"hlh{n5CJOJQJ\^Jhlh{nCJOJQJ\^Jhlh{OJQJ^Jhlh-HOJQJ^JhpOJQJ^JhlhpOJQJ^Jhlh{6OJQJ^Jh4OJQJ^JhlhpOJQJ^Jhlh{nOJQJ^Jhlh{n5OJQJ\^JJKNOgh $Ifgd{nvkd!$$Ifl0#"f064 layts!̼yl^P^y@2hlh{n>*ϴlͿ5Oϴ^l{ϴ^ls!ϴ^lϴl{ϴl<OJQJ\^Jhlh{OJQJ^Jhlh<OJQJ^Jhlh.OJQJ\^Jhlh.5OJQJ\^Jhlh{n5OJQJ\^J"hlh{5CJOJQJ\^J"hlh.5CJOJQJ\^J3aullll $Ifgd< <$Ifgd< $Ifgd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts!  $Ifgd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts!WXwwww $IfgdT $Ifgd{nvkdT$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! 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