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Other requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to take either IELTS (a result of 7.0 required) or TOEFL (93) to provide evidence of proficiency in spoken and written English.13. UCAS code N/A14. JACS CodeD20015. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s)N/A16. Reference pointsN/A17. Educational aims of programmeThe programme aims to: produce graduates equipped to play a leading role in conservation as researchers, epidemiologists, academics and senior management in in-situ conservation programmes, national parks, zoological collections, universities and government departments worldwide produce high-calibre graduates who can proceed to study for higher degrees 18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes.Knowledge and understanding of: principles of biological science underpinning wildlife conservation veterinary interventions in wildlife (including social, welfare, ethical and legal aspects) management and sustainable utilisation of captive and free-living wild animals (including husbandry, breeding and nutrition) ecology, epidemiology, diagnosis and control of wildlife disease wildlife research methodology Teaching/learning methods: Students acquire knowledge and understanding through participation in: lectures practical classes assignment presentations problem-solving sessions rotation groups organised visits to sites of special interest off campus Assessment by: written examinations coursework (oral and written reports) research (written report and oral defence) B. Cognitive (thinking) skills: Planning Logic and reasoning Comprehension Visual and auditory processing Long-term memory Teaching/learning methods: Students cognitive skills are developed / reinforced through active participation in: lectures practical classes assignment presentations problem-solving exercises rotation groups Assessment by: written examinations coursework (oral and written reports) research (written report and oral defence) C. Practical skills: Basic competence in management techniques for wild animals Scientific skills, including critical review of the scientific literature, and design, execution and analysis of laboratory or field studies Teaching/learning methods: Students learn practical skills through active participation in: rotation groups practical classes individual research project Assessment: research (written report and oral defence) Competence in Pathological Procedures and Zoo Management Check List D.4. Key skills: communication skills group work skills personal skills interpersonal skills organisational skills teaching and training skills learning skills information gathering and analytical skills problem solving skills language skills information technology skills entrepreneurial skills Teaching/learning methods: regular interaction with course directors, lecturers, peers preparation of oral presentations problem-based learning sessions population census field work rotation groups / practical classes use of computer software in the preparation of oral presentations (MS PowerPoint), casebook write-up and research project report (literature searching, MS Word), analysis of field and experimental data (SPSS, MS Excel) planning individual research project Assessment: written examinations coursework (oral and written reports) research (written report and oral defence) Competence in Pathological Procedures and Zoo Management Check List 19. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awardsTerm 1: Module 1. The Foundation Module will include a) an introduction to the RVC and the IoZ and their resources, b) fundamentals of epidemiology, statistics and immunology and c) generic skills. Assessment will be by a written paper and coursework. Module 2. The Practical Studies Module will run over the three terms and cover management of captive wild animals. Assessment will be by coursework and completion of the Competence in Pathological Procedures and Zoo Management Check List. Module 3. The Conservation Biology Module will cover the fundamentals of conservation biology by a) a population biology field trip, b) case studies in conservation and c) two problem-based learning scenarios The Kakapo and The Agony of Choice. Assessment will be a written paper and coursework. Module 4. The Ecological Health Module will run over terms 1 and 2 and cover free-living wild animal conservation issues by five units including Regulation of Hosts by Parasites, Disease Management in Wildlife, Phocine Distemper Outbreak in Seals, The Angonoka and Catastrophic Mortality in Wild Birds. Assessment will be by a written paper and coursework. Term 2: Module 2 continued and module 3 finalised. Module 4. The Conservation and Health Module will run over terms 2 and 3 and cover captive wild animal conservation issues by five units including Sustainable Utilisation, Conservation Medicine of Invertebrates, Nutritional Disease of Captive Wild Animals, Primate Rehabilitation in the Tropics and Reproductive Management of Captive Wild Animals. Assessment will be by a written paper and coursework.Term 3: Modules 2 and 4 finalised. 20. Work Placement Requirements (BVetMed and FdSc only) N/AASSESSMENT 21. Form of Examination 1. Written Papers: There will be modular exams comprising essays and multiple choice questions following the taught component of modules 1, 3, 4 and 5. 2. Coursework a) Oral presentations b) Written Reports 3. Research Project a) Research Project Report - a literature review of up to 5000 words (excluding references) and one scientific paper of up to 5000 words (excluding references) suitable for submission for publication in a quality, peer reviewed journal. b) Oral Defence of the research project 4. Competence in Pathological Procedures and Zoo Management Check List 22. Any requirements to be completed to permit entry to the examinationSatisfactory attendance according to RVC policy.23. Marking CriteriaSee College 0-100 marking scheme in appendix24. Allocation of Marks Written Papers 35% Coursework 20% Research Project 45% (Report 90% and Oral 10%)25. Penalties for late submissionWritten reports or research projects work submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason. 26. Requirements to Pass OverallTo have achieved a mark of at least 50% from the composite of the components as defined in 24 above and not less than 40% in each of these components and Competence in Pathological Procedures and Zoo Management Check List: i) All candidates must have been certified competent in selected basic pathological procedures by one of the Veterinary Officers or research veterinary surgeons of the Zoological Society of London and ii) All candidates must have been certified competent in selected zoo management by appropriate keeper/team leader/section leader/ curators of the Zoological Society of London. 27. Consequences of FailureA candidate who fails at the first attempt shall have a right to re-sit as determined by the Board of Examiners. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course. They will have, however, a right of appeal as described in College Regulations.28. ClassificationFrom the average mark taken from all of the components defined in 24 above. 75% or more at the first attempt Distinction 65-74% at the first attempt Merit 50-64% Pass29. Disclosure of MarksResults will be published by candidate number.30. Dates of ExaminationsWritten examinations will be held at the conclusion of each individual module. The project report will be submitted in August and the oral examination held in September the same year.31. Mitigating CircumstancesSee general assessment regulations32. Extension to DeadlinesSee general assessment regulations33. Examination OffencesSee general assessment regulations34. 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