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Other experience may be deemed appropriate Other requirements: Applicants from overseas will be required to provide evidence of proficiency in spoken and written English, including scientific usage and comprehension13. UCAS code N/A14. JACS CodeD20015. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s)N/A16. Reference pointsN/A17. Educational aims of programmeThe programme aims : To offer a sound foundation in the principles governing the control, management and prevention of infectious diseases in animals. To equip students with the specialised skills required to assess risk, and implement appropriate measures to control infectious diseases of animals 18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes.Knowledge and understanding of: the key concepts underpinning the control of infections diseases of animals the risks and relevant factors pertaining to specific disease outbreaks, and to formulate an appropriate control strategy microbiological, epidemiological and field data, the use of scientific method in the elucidation of infectious disease problems Teaching/learning methods Students learn knowledge and understanding through attendance at lectures, seminars, workshops and through a variety of directed and self-directed learning activities Assessment Each module is assessed by an essay and/or oral/poster presentations (coursework) and an open book examination. For the MSc a written project with an oral defence to the external examiners follows in the summerB. Cognitive (thinking) skills planning logic and reasoning comprehension visual and auditory processing long-term memoryTeaching/learning methods Students cognitive skills are developed through participation in problem solving exercises practical classes presentations seminars and lectures Assessment Each module is assessed by either an essay by each individual or oral/poster presentations (coursework) and an open book examination. For the MSc a written project with an oral defence to the external examiners follows in the summerC. Practical skills basic competence in laboratory techniques and diagnostic procedures; scientific skills, including critical review of the scientific literature, and design and analysis of laboratory or field studies Teaching/learning methods Students learn practical skills through participation in practical classes problem solving exercises/simulations individual research project (MSc) Assessment Each module is assessed by either an essay by each individual or oral/poster presentations (coursework) and an open book examination. For the MSc a written project with an oral defence to the external examiners follows in the summerD.4. Key skills communication with agencies and the public group work teamwork personal and career development learning organisational information gathering and analysis information technology problem solving statistical numeracy integration of knowledge gained in different components of the course Teaching/learning methods group work and exercises practical work preparation of presentations (oral, written, poster) use of computers and various software programmes planning and executing individual research project Assessment Each module is assessed by either an essay by each individual or oral/poster presentations (coursework) and an open book examination. For the MSc a written project with an oral defence to the external examiners follows in the summer. 19. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awardsTerm 1: The Introductory Module will include an introduction to the College and its resources; an introduction to the scientific basis for disease control; fundamentals of epidemiology, immunology, vaccinology and molecular biology, veterinary law and some generic skills. Module 1: Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases will focus on the nature, epidemiology, pathogenesis and consequences of bacterial disease, with particular attention to aspects affecting control and surveillance using a few selected animal diseases as study examples. Module 2: Viral and Prion Diseases will focus on the nature, epidemiology and pathogenesis and consequences of viral and prion disease with particular attention to aspects affecting control and surveillance using a few selected animal diseases as study examples.Term 2: Module 3: Animal Health Economics introduces students to the principles of economics as applied to animal health and to the practical use of economic methods at farm and national level. No prior knowledge of economics is required. Module 4: Preventing Infectious Disease addresses the ways of reducing and preventing the risk of introduction and spread of infectious diseases. Module 5: Applied Risk Assessment and Management provides an opportunity for students to develop disease control strategies and conduct risk assessments for policy relevant questions. Module 6: Contingency Planning and Communication addresses the various components of the development and implementation of contingency plans for dealing with disease outbreaks and highlights the role of communication between stakeholders. Term 3: Research Project (May - Sept) (MSc only)  20. Work Placement Requirements (BVetMed and FdSc only) N/AASSESSMENT 21. Form of ExaminationPostgraduate Diploma Written modular examination papers(6) and a statistics examination In-course assessment for each of the 6 taught modules. MSc Written modular examination papers (6) and a statistics examination In-course assessment for each of the 6 taught modules A project report, including literature review and associated oral examination. 22. Any requirements to be completed to permit entry to the examinationSatisfactory attendance according to RVC Policy23. Marking Criteria1) See Colleges marking scheme for RVC assessment (attached) 24. Allocation of Marks Postgraduate Diploma: Examinations 70% (97.5% modular 2.5 % statistics) In-course assessments 30% MSc: Examinations 35% (97.5% modular 2.5 % statistics) In-course assessments 15% Research Project 50% (90% written and 10% oral) 25. Penalties for late submissionReports or Project work submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason. 26. Requirements to Pass OverallPostgraduate Diploma: To have achieved an average mark of 50% in both the written examinations and in the in-course assessments and not less than 40% in either the written examination or the in-course assessment MSc: To have achieved an average mark of 50% in the written papers, the in - course assessments and the research component (combined research project and oral presentation) and not less than 40% in either the written examination or the in-course assessment or the combined mark from the project and the oral examination 27. Consequences of FailureA candidate who fails at the first attempt shall have a right of re-sit as determined by the Board of Examiners. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course; s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 28. ClassificationFrom the average mark taken from all of the components defined in 24 above. 75% or more at the first attempt Distinction 65-74% at the first attempt Merit 50-64% Pass29. Disclosure of MarksResults will be published by candidate number.30. Dates of ExaminationsModule examinations are conducted at the end of each module. The project report will be submitted in August and the oral examination held later in September the same year.31. Mitigating CircumstancesSee general assessment regulations32. Extension to DeadlinesSee general assessment regulations33. Examination OffencesSee general assessment regulations34. Date of production/revision17/04/08 Annex 1 Mark (%) DescriptorBVetMed & MScCore Grade DescriptorEnhancer/Detractor Descriptor 0No answerFailNothing presented, or work containing nothing at all of relevance.10Extremely poor answerFailWork containing almost no information or almost none of merit, mostly irrelevant to the question set.20Very poor answerFailWork containing very little information or relevant information with very limited evidence of understanding of the subject material. Demonstrates inadequate capability in description and communication.30Poor answerFailWork that indicates some evidence of understanding of the subject material but which is essentially misinterpreted, misdirected, misunderstood or poorly organised and very sketchy.42Clearly deficient answerFailAs 45 but with significant errors or omissions and lack of organisation or notable flaws in communication.45Deficient answerFailWork which covers the basic subject matter adequately and is appropriately organised and presented, but is descriptive rather than analytical. The work is likely to be flawed by omissions, errors, misunderstanding of key concepts, or irrelevancies and lack of organisation. In selecting solutions to technical problems, established and appropriate methods will generally be chosen, and applied uncritically.48Marginally deficient answerFailAs 45 but displaying fewer significant errors or omissions or lack of organisation. There may be signs of some analysis. 52Adequate answerPassAs 55 but with significant/ frequent lapses and limitations in skills of analysis and argument &/or flaws in communication/organisation.55Sound answerPassWork displaying a competent grasp of concepts, methodology and content relevant to the question with no major defects. Material will be clearly communicated and provide some evidence of ability to engage in critical analysis. In dealing with solutions to technical problems, appropriate methods will be chosen.58Very sound answerPass As 55 but showing clear evidence of some critical analysis. 62Quite good answerPassAs 65 but with less well developed skills of argument &/or limited evidence of wide reading.65Good answerMeritWork displaying powers of analysis and argument with a thorough grasp of concepts, methodology and content relevant to the question. Clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, organising and synthesising information to construct an argument. Wider reading will normally be evident.68Very good answerMeritAs 65 but with responses that reveal occasional insight and/or originality.75Extremely good answerDistinctionWork displaying powers of analysis and argument with a thorough grasp of concepts, methodology and content relevant to the question and evidence of ability to organise and synthesise them with clarity. Wider reading will be evident. Clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content to construct a sound argument with responses that reveal frequent insight and/or originality. 85Excellent answerDistinctionAs 75 but demonstrating an authoritative grasp of concepts and sustained power of argument. Evidence of the potential for skilled innovation in thinking and practice.95Outstanding answerDistinctionAs 85 and of near publishable standard.100Quite exceptional answerDistinctionWork displaying powers of analysis and argument with an authoritative grasp of concepts, methodology and content relevant to the question and evidence of ability to organise and synthesise them with clarity, insight and efficiency throughout. There is evidence throughout of skilled innovation in thinking and practice, as well as wider reading, no identifiable errors and omissions and the answer will be of publishable standard.      THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Control of Infectious Diseases in Animals Master of Science, 2008/2009 7O  5 @ A C Z q  R w | # ' ; > H }j}j$hnh1CJOJQJ^JmH sH h1CJOJQJ^JmH sH $hnh~gCJOJQJ^JmH sH 'h1h16CJOJQJ^JmH sH hnhqCJOJQJhm,CJOJQJhqCJOJQJhnh~gCJOJQJ^Jhnh~gCJOJQJhnh~g5CJOJQJ(67Oikd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ, <<$IfgdAI:::vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ, vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,  5 B vii <<$IfgdAkd^$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,B C Z p vii <<$IfgdAkd2$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,p q vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,  Q vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,Q R w { vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,{ | vii <<$IfgdAkd$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ, viXXG6$$7$8$H$Ifa$gdWb$$7$8$H$Ifa$gdm,$$7$8$H$Ifa$gdA <<$IfgdAkdV$$Ifl0<#:\  04 lapytZ,H J q y p q r ݽrcVHVHVHVHV9Vhnh~gCJOJQJ^Jhnh~g5CJOJQJhnh~gCJOJQJhnhWbCJOJQJ^J$hnhWbCJOJQJ^JmH sH 'hnhWb6CJOJQJ^JmH sH !hm,6CJOJQJ^JmH sH $hnhm,CJOJQJ^JmH sH hm,CJOJQJ^JmH sH h-PYCJOJQJ^JmH sH $hnh~gCJOJQJ^JmH sH 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