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Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements Element 1 : BVetMed Year 1 examination Element 2: BVetMed Year 2 examination Element 3: First* or only result from the BVetMed Year 3 examination and Best 3 Summative in course assessments or both where only two have been attempted, taken from the modules that did not contribute to the Year 3 BVetMed examination, or earlier examinations. (The marks will be adjusted pro rata depending upon whether 2 or 3 assessments have been counted). Element 4 : either of the two options below: BVetMed Year 5 Research Report Or Critical Literature Review comprising: Critical Literature Review written report Supervisors assessment Oral200 marks 700 marks 275 marks 275marks 550marks 440marks 55 marks 55marks Total 2000 marks A percentage score will be scaled from the total of 2000marks * a higher resit mark may be used where there is medical evidence that had been recorded at the time of the first sit. 9. Requirements to Pass Overall For BSc Honours According to the allocation of marks described in 8 above, to have achieved at least 100 marks for the BVetMed Year 1 examination, and 350 marks for the BVetMed Year 2 examination, and 220 marks for the BVetMed Year 3 examination and in course summatives aggregated together, with 110 marks in each , and 220 marks for the Research Project or Critical Literature Review For BSc Ordinary According to the allocation of marks described in 8 above, to have achieved at least 100 marks for the BVetMed Year 1 examination, and 350 marks for the BVetMed Year 2 examination, and 220 marks for the BVetMed Year 3 examination and in course summatives aggregated together, with 110 marks in each 10. Consequences of Failure A candidate who is required to withdraw from the course. S/he has a right of appeal as described in College Regulations 11. Classification First Class First Class Upper Second Class Upper Second Class Lower Second Class Lower Second Class Third Class 70% or above 69% and a mark of at least 70% in each of three of the four elements 60% to 69.9% 59% and a mark of at least 60% in each of three of the four elements 50% to 59.9% 49% and a mark of at least 50% in each of three of the four elements 40% to 49.9% 12Late submission of work Reports or Project work submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason. 13. Disclosure of Marks Candidates will receive a letter informing them of the classification of their degree.       !#$%-RSTUWXY`cdefhijݽʨݘʨʯʯ݃կxoxhNr\^JaJhNrCJ\^JaJhNrCJ^JaJhNr5\^JaJh[HshNr5CJ\^JaJ h[HshNrh[HshNr5\^JaJhNr5CJ\^JaJh[HshNr^JaJhNr^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJh[HshNr5\^JaJhNr^JaJ*!$%STUXYdeypbpY $Ifgd  9r $Ifgd $Ifgd xkd$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt $Ifgd gdgj efij~~~~ $Ifgd xkd$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt yppppp $Ifgd  9r $Ifgd xkd$$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt   = > n q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $Ifgd xkd$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt    < > m n p q    J   5 6 7 8 宣͵u宣嵮hNrCJ\^JaJhNr5CJ\^JaJhNrCJ^JaJh[HshNr5^JaJhNr5CJ^JaJ h[HshNrh[HshNr^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJhNr^JaJh[HshNr5CJ\^JaJh[HshNr5\^JaJh[HshNr\^JaJ+   ~ppppp  9r $Ifgd xkdH$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt $Ifgd  ~~~~~~ $Ifgd xkd$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt    6 7 yypy $Ifgd  9r $Ifgd xkdl$$Ifl0"E"0%644 la5yt 7 8 9 ` a ! uuuuuuuuuuuu  9r $Ifgd {kd$$Ifl4J0"`E"0%644 la5yt 8 9 B _ ` a j $ *  ! * ? @ A C D E k l Ⱦ۾۾۾ȾȰۢȗȗȗȗhNr5\^JaJh[HshNr5\^JaJh[HshNr6]^JaJhNrCJ^JaJh[HshNr^JaJhNr^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJh[HshNr>*CJ^JaJhNr5^JaJ;! @ A D E l  !$If^!gd  9r !$If^!gd $Ifgd  9r $Ifgd  %&(-./01ABCw{-Ļ֘čqch"hNr6\^JaJh[HshNr5CJ\^JaJhsLhNr5^JaJhNr5CJ^JaJhNr>*^JaJhphNr6^JaJhphNr6CJ^JaJhNr5^JaJ h[HshNrhNr5\^JaJh[HshNr^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJhNrCJ^JaJhNr^JaJ#&./ $Ifgd  9r $Ifgd !$If^!gd /01BCpbbbbYYY $Ifgd  9r $Ifgd kd$$Ifl4F[" EM0%6    44 la5yt .fgzzzzkzzzzzz 9r $Ifgd $Ifgd {kd$$Ifl40" E"0%644 la5yt -.}GINQegj >@CDGpruvwz۷ӏ۷h[[ThNr6^JaJhNr6CJ^JaJhhNrB*^JaJphhNrB*CJ^JaJph!hhNrB*CJ^JaJphh[HshNr^JaJhNr^JaJhNrCJ^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJh[[ThNr6\^JaJ1gDvw~uu $Ifgd xkdB$$Ifl0"  #0%644 la5yt $Ifgd <= &'345BCǼǬDŽDŽǼDŽDŽǼDŽDŽǼDŽǼzhNrCJ^JaJhNr^JaJhNr5^JaJhsLhNr5^JaJhNr5CJ^JaJh[HshNr5CJ\^JaJh[HshNr^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJh[HshNr5\^JaJhsLhNr\^JaJhNrCJ\^JaJ h[HshNr0~uuu $Ifgd xkd$$Ifl0"  #0%644 la5yt $Ifgd  'zzzzzzzzzzzzz $Ifgd {kdf$$Ifl40"`  #0%644 la5yt '45C/0>?@AB $If^gd $Ifgd &./0=@ABCEF]^_)2;<=@AByqfqZhsLhNr5^JaJhNr6CJ]^JhNrCJ^JhNr5CJ\^JhJhNr5\^JaJhJhNr5CJ\^JaJhNr5^JaJhNr5CJ^JaJ h[HshNrh[HshNr5\^JaJhNr5\^JaJhNr^JaJhNrCJ^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJh[HshNr^JaJBCF^_;<pggg[g $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd kd$$Ifl4 Fj "   y0%6    44 la5yt <=ABW~~~~~ $Ifgd xkd$$Ifl0"  #0%644 la5yt BVWžغh] jhNrUhNr h[HshNrh[HshNr^JaJhNr^JaJh[HshNrCJ^JaJhNr5\^JaJh[HshNr5CJ\^JaJ{{{{gd+ gdgjxkd $$Ifl0"  #0%644 la5yt $a$gdEBl2P:psL. 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