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Educational aims of programmeTo offer a high quality course in which students To develop an understanding of the disease process in animals and people and how this is assessed at the molecular level, in the cell, the organ, and the whole animal. To show how contemporary techniques are applied to dissecting and interpreting tissue responses in the pathological process. To understand how pathology can be used for research and diagnosis. To design experimental programmes appropriate for evaluating disease; to prepare and evaluate data; and to develop written and oral skills of communication.18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: Specialised terminology which underpins pathology Understanding of mechanisms of pathogenesis and pathology of infectious disease Cognate sciencesDisplay the following cognitive (thinking) skills, including the ability to: Access information and skills as required by a task Make methodical observations on the normal and abnormal functioning of biological systems Discriminate between important and relatively unimportant information and observations Reflect on information and observations, and solve problems Discuss uncertainty in relation to scientific facts, and balance different schools of thought. Display the following practical skills, including the ability to: Design and execute experiments, and to analyse and interpret the resultant data Present conclusions in a variety of formats To read and assess published papers The following are considered to be Key Skills: Communication Teamwork Personal management and career development Effective learning Problem solving Information technology Numeracy Acting with integrity, being honest, fair and compassionate in your work Maintaining high ethical principles in relation to business dealings, the use of information and experimentation in man and animals.Teaching/learning methods Students develop their knowledge and understanding through attendance at lectures, seminars, workshops and through a variety of directed and self-directed learning activities, including practical exercises. Students learn cognitive skills through problem solving, case studies, reflection, scientific publication critique, and designing and undertaking personal scientific research projects. Students learn practical skills through demonstration, observation, prosecution, feedback, role modelling and experimentation. Students learn key skills through group work and exercises, structured learning, practical work, reflection, presentations (oral and written) and problem solving exercises. Assessment Students will be assessed through a combination of formative, in-course and summative examinations, using a range of question formats. Cognitive skills will be assessed through appropriate structured written examinations, together with research project reports and discussion of poster presentations. Practical sills will be assessed using structured tasks and laboratory-based projects. Through key skills assessment criteria, alongside systems and discipline-based assessment criteria, these skills will be assessed in a variety of ways throughout the course.19. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awardsThe BSc Comparative Pathology degree is a one-year programme, in which each student completes two compulsory taught modules: Principles of Pathology Applications of Pathology And a dedicated Comparative Pathology Research Project The Project runs throughout the Spring and Summer terms and the students must produce a research manuscript of their project, according to the guidelines for authors of a journal appropriate for their area of research, and an oral presentation of their findings. For the purpose of Credit Transfer, the programme is valued at 120 Credits at Level 3.20. Work Placement Requirements N/AASSESSMENT See : BSc Bioveterinary Sciences, BSc Comparative Pathology and BSc Bioveterinary Sciences Intercalated Assessment and Award Regulations     2PQi  ' ( ) A K O P Q h } ~       , 4 < @ D E F G ѼѼòѼòѼÞѼòѼòѼòѼòѼÉÞѼÉÞѼhev5OJQJ^Jh=0OJQJ^JhyOJQJ^Jh|OJQJ^Jhb6@OJQJ^J hF!hMBhF!hMB5OJQJ^JhF!hMBOJQJ^J#hF!hMB5CJOJQJ^JaJhE$5CJOJQJ^JaJ62PQigkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB <<$IfgdMBgdMByll <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMByl_ <<$Ifgd| <<$IfgdMBkdf$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB ( yll <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB( ) A P yl_ <<$Ifgd=0 <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMBP Q h ~ yll <<$IfgdMBkdj$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB~  yll <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB yll <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB   yl_ <<$IfgdMB <<$Ifgdevkdn$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB  < F yl_ <<$Ifgdy <<$Ifgdevkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMBF G ^ _ yl^M$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd&x $7$8$H$IfgdMB <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMBG _ a k l {     - . / ǹը񗊡񀊡񀊡񊡀񊡀vihphyOJQJ^JhMBOJQJ^Jhb6@OJQJ^JhF!hMBOJQJ^Jh|OJQJ^J hF!hMB hF!hMBOJQJ^JmH sH h=0OJQJ^JmH sH h&xOJQJ^JmH sH hb6@OJQJ^JmH sH hOJQJ^JmH sH hF!hMB5OJQJ^J$ yll <<$IfgdMBkdr$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB yll <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB  yll <<$IfgdMBkd$$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB  . yl <<$IfgdMBkdv $$Ifl0,":L  0"44 lap ytMB. /  <<$IfgdMBskd" $$Ifl,""  0"44 lap ytMB <<$IfgdMBckd $$Ifl,""0"44 laytMB ~ ? ~fffN$ & F  $If^a$gd+j$ & F  $If^a$gdy $Ifgdb6@xkd5 $$Ifl4A,""  0"44 laf4p ytMB abc!"#n35XYZtuCD+,reXNDehSLOJQJ^JhMBOJQJ^JhF!hMBOJQJ^JhF!h8xOJQJ^JhSLh8x5OJQJ^Jh8xOJQJ^JhYOJQJ^JhSLhY5OJQJ^J hF!h+jhF!h+jOJQJ^Jh+jOJQJ^JhSLh+j5OJQJ^JhF!hMB56OJQJ^JhF!hMB5OJQJ^J hF!hMBh+jhb6@OJQJ^J b <<$IfgdMBfkd $$Ifl4,""0"44 laf4ytMBbc"|ooo & F$Ifgd+j & F$Ifgd+jvkdf $$Ifl4,""  0"44 laf4p ytMB"#pU5|||||obb & F$Ifgd8x $If^gdY & F$IfgdY & F$IfgdYhkd $$Ifl4,""0"44 laf4yt+j H[kY & F$Ifgd8x $If^gd8x & F$Ifgd8x YZtuDE~,-uuuu & F$IfgdSL $IfgdMB <$IfgdMBhkd $$Ifl4 ,""0"44 laf4yt+j ,-.9:ghop!:;<=TUopuvQ ŹŹŹ쯥ԛzmhSLhSLOJQJ^JhY_OJQJ^JhJVhH!OJQJ^JhyOJQJ^JhH!OJQJ^Jh|OJQJ^JhSLOJQJ^JhSLCJOJQJ^JhSLhSLCJOJQJ^JhMBOJQJ^JhF!hMB5OJQJ^J hF!hMBhF!hMBOJQJ^J*-.9:hiqaqUq $$Ifa$gdSL$$If^a$gdSL$ & F$Ifa$gdSL $$Ifa$gdMB $IfgdMBhkd$$Ifl4 ,""0"44 laf4ytMBop}p <<$IfgdMBhkd$$Ifl4 ,""0"44 laf4ytMB$ & F$Ifa$gdSL $IfgdSL=Uop}ll[NNN <<$Ifgdy<<$If^gdH! & F<<$IfgdJV <<$IfgdMBukd#$$Ifl,""  0"44 lap ytMB *.r <<$IfgdMB <<$Ifgd~ekd$$Ifl,""0"44 laytMB <<$Ifgdy *-./:>BӮh-jh-Uh*vh5{hJVhJVOJQJ\^JhEbhJV^JhMBOJQJ^J hF!hMBhF!hMBOJQJ^Jhe OJQJ^JhF!hMB5OJQJ^J./:vfV$<<$Ifa$gdJV$<<$Ifa$gdMBkd"$$Ifl0"::  %0"44 lap %ytMBxkd$$Ifl4A,""  %0"44 laf4p %ytMBgdR9 0&P 1h:pd. 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